The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Subject index of teaching case studies

Principles (General)

Reconsidering the Teaching of Economics to Students on Business Programmes
Munacinga Simatele, University of Hertfordshire

Using Resource-based Learning in Teaching First Year Economics
Les Simpson, Heriot-Watt University

Principles of Macroeconomics

Introducing the macroeconomics of the climate crisis
Tadeusz Gwiazdowski, University of Leeds

A Simulator for Teaching Macroeconomics at Undergraduate Level
Aleks Angelov and Aleksandar Vasilev, American University in Bulgaria

Applying Economics Threshold Concepts
Oliver Marnet, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Coventry University

5. Case study: Are government budget deficits always bad?
Peri Yavash, Coventry University

Targeting Introduction to Economics at a diverse range of students
Christopher J. Gerry, University College London

Principles of Microeconomics

The Microeconomics Blog: Inclusive Learning Using Open Educational Resources (OER)
Sofia Izquierdo Sanchez, University of Manchester

Teaching economics using thought experiments
Ravshonbek Otojanov, Queen Mary University of London

Microeconomic Simulator of Firm Behavior under Monopolistic Competition
Aleks Angelov and Aleksandar Vasilev, American University in Bulgaria

Economic Naturalist Writing Assignment
Wayne Geerling, LaTrobe University

Applying Economics Threshold Concepts
Oliver Marnet, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Coventry University

The Production Possibility Frontier Game
James Mackley, School of Business and Economics, Swansea University

Teaching Heterodox Microeconomics to Introductory Students: an Inductive Approach
Peter Earl, University of Queensland; Tim Wakeley, University of Bath

Incorporating "Heterodox" Concepts into an Economics Course
Andrew Mearman, University of the West of England

Tennis Balls in Economics
Mary R. Hedges, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Targeting Introduction to Economics at a diverse range of students
Christopher J. Gerry, University College London

Maths for Economists

Assessment in Mathematics for Economics and Finance
Aleksandar Vasilev, University of Lincoln

Supporting Economics Students’ Transition to University with Mathematics Revision Resources
Caroline Elliott, Andrew Brendon-Penn, Emil Kostadinov & Jeremy Smith, University of Warwick

Writing and using computer-aided assessment (CAA) in mathematics for economics first years
Martin Greenhow, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel University

Applying METAL resources in a Level 1 module
Sheila Dutton, University of Portsmouth

METAL resources review
Juliette Stephenson, University of Exeter Business School

Using METAL resources to teach Economics
Vitalia Kinakh, The Manchester College

Basic matrix algebra for economists
Steve Cook, Swansea University

Statistics for Economists

Interactive Learning with R-Shiny Apps
Pascal Stiefenhofer, Newcastle University

Prompt Feedback in Teaching Statistics
Ibrahim Inal, Durham University

Using Excel to design an online statistics/ econometrics assessment
Lory Barile, University of Warwick

Optional Projects for an Introductory Statistics Course
Nicholas Myers and Angus Phimister, University of Edinburgh

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Facilitators' handbook for a PBL module in Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
Kennedy Okparaolu, Abdulla Shaheed, Yaprak Tavman & Ning Xue, University of York

Using Numerical Simulations in Intermediate Macroeconomics
Matheus Trotta Vianna, University of Manchester

Extended Case Study: Peer Assessment in a Second Year Macroeconomics Unit
Geoffrey Crockett & Vasanthi Peter, Curtin University of Technology

Promoting Problem-Solving Based Independent Learning in Macroeconomics
David McCausland, University of Aberdeen

Intermediate Microeconomics

Co-creation of teaching resources and co-teaching
Mario Pezzino and Andrea Enrico Riganti, University of Manchester

Trial of the Exeter Economic Experiments
Juergen Bracht, Department of Economics, University of Aberdeen

Case 2: Pit market (hand run)
Bradley Ruffle, Ben-Gurion University

Case 6: Price discrimination (homework)
Dieter Balkenborg and Todd Kaplan, University of Exeter

The Use of Cobb-Douglas and Constant Elasticity of Substitution Utility Functions to Illustrate Consumer Theory
Soumaya M. Tohamy and J. Wilson Mixon Jr., Berry College, USA

Development Economics

The Global Climate Change Game
James Copestake and Tom Ellum, University of Bath


Alternative exercises to develop understanding of diagnostic testing
Steve Cook, Swansea University; Peter Dawson, University of East Anglia; & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

Beyond exercises in substitution and direct interpretation: The use of "puzzles" in teaching linear regression
Steve Cook, Swansea University; Peter Dawson, University of East Anglia; & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

Teaching Econometrics: The role of the 3Rs
Steve Cook, Swansea University; Peter Dawson, University of East Anglia; & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

Building multiple linear regression skills via ‘puzzling’ active learning
Steve Cook, Swansea University; Peter Dawson, University of East Anglia; & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

Developing econometric and data analysis skills: Championing the crossnumber puzzle
Steve Cook, Swansea University & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

A pedagogically-driven approach to teaching higher-powered unit root testing
Steve Cook, Swansea University & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

Teaching data analysis and econometrics asynchronously with social media and peer support
Mathilde Peron, Lilian Joy, Michael Thornton, Annabel Tompson, University of York

Crosswords and the ‘Active Learning’ Quest
Steve Cook, Swansea University & Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia

Forecast Evaluation using Theil’s Inequality Coefficients
Steve Cook, School of Management, Swansea University

Analysing Forecasting Bias: Significance, methods and samples
Steve Cook, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Swansea University

Visual identification of ARIMA models
Steve Cook, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Swansea University

Directional Forecasting, Forecasting Accuracy and Making Profits
Steve Cook, Swansea University

Forecast encompassing tests as a means of forecast comparison
Steve Cook, Swansea University

Forecast Combination: A tool for teaching and demonstrating the underlying issues
Steve Cook, Swansea University Business School

Time Series Decomposition: A practical example using a classic data set
Steve Cook, Swansea University Business School

Introductory Econometrics Classes at LSE
Bandyopadhyay Sanghamitra, London School of Economics

Economic Growth

Environmental and Transport Economics

The COP Negotiation Game
Alexandra Arntsen, Nottingham Trent University

Sustainable communities and HE: the 3Cs approach
Lory Barile, University of Warwick

Problem-Based Learning and Ecological Economics
Heather Witham, Higher Education Academy and Andrew Mearman, University of the West of England

Financial Economics

Transforming Finance Education Through Interactive Trading Simulation
Kulnicha Meechaiyo & Ruslan Tuneshev, University of St Andrews

Game Theory

Using Panopto for Game Theory
Giancarlo Ianulardo, Economics Department, University of Bath

Case 3: The hold-up problem (computerised)
Dieter Balkenborg and Todd Kaplan, University of Exeter

Case 4: Price competition (computerised)
Dieter Balkenborg and Todd Kaplan, University of Exeter

Case 5: Bank runs (computerised)
Dieter Balkenborg and Todd Kaplan, University of Exeter

A Lecture on Experimental Game Theory
Caroline Elliott, Lancaster University

Heterodox Economics

External case studies: Teaching Heterodox Economics
Clara Dallaire-Fortier, Lund University (Editor)

History of Economic Thought

Discussing climate change via the history of economic thought
Andrew Mearman, University of Leeds

Industrial Economics

Case 2: Pit market (hand run)
Bradley Ruffle, Ben-Gurion University

Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) to teach Industrial Economics
John Sedgwick, London Metropolitan University

TEFL - Teaching ECONOMICS as a Foreign Language
Paul Dowdall, University of the West of England, Bristol

International Economics

Teaching international economics and finance during (and beyond) the global financial crisis
Margaret Giles, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

Extended Case Study: Teaching of Economics to European Studies & Language Students
Frank Brouwer, London Metropolitan University

The International Trade Game
John Sloman, University of the West of England

Labour Economics, Employment and Unemployment

Managerial and Business Economics

Teaching economics to undergraduate Business Management Students
Fiona Carmichael, Birmingham Business School

Using Problem Based Learning and a Business Game in Teaching Managerial Economics
Pierre Picard, University of Manchester

Postgraduate Diploma and MSc in E-Commerce at Birkbeck College
Sandeep Kapur, Birkbeck College, University of London

Monetary Economics

Teaching Structuralist Economics Using Problem Based Learning and Weblogs
Stephen Kinsella, University of Limerick, Ireland

Specific economies or countries

Teaching economics to language and area studies students
Rodney Wilson, University of Durham

Transition Economics

Research-led Teaching at Swansea
Ian Jeffries, University of Swansea

Other topics

More Talk, Less Chalk: Communicating Economics in the Modern Classroom
Christopher L. Colvin, Queen's University Belfast

Teaching the Economics of COVID-19 in Autumn 2020
Sara Gundersen, Valparaiso University