The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Recent case studies

Alvin Birdi, Economics Network & University of Bristol
Steve Cook, School of Management, Swansea University
Panagiotis Dimitriou
José Vásquez, University of Illinois
Video duration: 2:28
Aleks Angelov and Aleksandar Vasilev, American University in Bulgaria
Antonio Rodriguez Gil, Leeds University Business School
Nicholas Myers and Angus Phimister, University of Edinburgh
Aleks Angelov and Aleksandar Vasilev, American University in Bulgaria
Steve Cook, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Swansea University
Steve Cook, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Swansea University
Damian Park, Santa Clara University, USA
Mario Pezzino, University of Manchester
Fabio R. Aricò, University of East Anglia