The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Recent case studies

Maria Psyllou, University of Birmingham
Alexandra Arntsen, Nottingham Trent University
Lory Barile, University of Warwick
Andrew Mearman, University of Leeds
Jon Guest, Karishma Patel, and Robert Riegler, Aston University
Ravshonbek Otojanov, Queen Mary University of London
Steve Cook, Swansea University; and Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia
Antonio Rodriguez-Gil and Ali Raza, University of Leeds
Petar Stankov, Royal Holloway, University of London
Steve Cook, Swansea University; and Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia
Alex Squires and Dan Rigby, University of Manchester
Ravshonbek Otojanov, Queen Mary, University of London
Video duration: 5:32
Mathilde Peron, Lilian Joy, Michael Thornton, Annabel Tompson, University of York
Steve Cook, Swansea University; and Duncan Watson, University of East Anglia
Stefania Paredes Fuentes, University of Warwick
Chris Wilson, Loughborough University