The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

For lists of past Early Careers Lecturer training workshops and Graduate Teaching Assistant training workshops, see the separate pages.

A separate index lists individual sessions within Economics Network conferences.


Royal Economic Society / Economics Network / CTaLE webinar: "Modernising Economics Exams", 11 February

Virtual Symposium session 2: "Ethical Use of AI in Economics", 22 January


CPD Event (Royal Economic Society / The Economics Network / CTaLE) "Progressing as a teaching-track economist & supporting teaching-track colleagues", 14 March

Virtual Symposium session 1: "Assessment in a digital world", 29 February


IREE Best Paper presentation "Racial and gender achievement gaps in an economics classroom", 5 October

Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2023, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 4-5 September

Special session for GTAs: Online seminar on marking and feedback, 15 May

Virtual Symposium on "Applying for Principal Fellowships and National Teaching Fellowships", 8 March


The Virtual Symposium in Autumn 2022 included online sessions on "Teaching with OneNote" and "Teaching with data".


Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2021, online, 1-3 September

Economics Network Virtual Symposium 2021 with sessions on:

The Economics Network supported a session on What Are the Economics of Reparation? at the Festival of Economics. Follow the link for audio of the event.


The Economics Network supported two sessions at the Festival of Economics:

Virtual Symposium 2020      
In the summer of 2020, we ran a virtual symposium on online teaching, learning and assessment. Many videos and case studies are available to view. There were resources and events on:

  1. Engaging students and academics with online learning
  2. Teaching with data online
  3. Teaching with Excel online
  4. Adaptable Assessment in Economics


Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2019, University of Warwick, 11-13 September

European Economic Association, Manchester, 30 August


RES-Nuffield Foundation Workshop: Teaching and Learning with CORE, 18-19 June (Programme PDF)

Twitter archives

Archived tweets from our past events up to 2017


Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2017, University College, London, 6-8 September

Economics: The Profession and the Public, 5 May      
A one-day symposium hosted at HM Treasury, with speakers including Tim Harford, Simon Wren-Lewis, Diane Coyle, Paul Johnson, Kamal Ahmed, Denise Osborn and Jagjit Chadha.


Revisiting the state of economics education      
A one day event designed to explore reforms in economics education, which took place at the Bank of England on 17th March.

Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2015, University of Birmingham, 10-11 September

The Economics Network was a partner in University of East Anglia's Ecuator seminars.


Teaching Symposium 2014 for early career lecturers and teaching assistants


Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2013, University of Exeter, 5-6 September

Business and Economics Employability Symposium (run by Loughborough University) 
A one day event introducing student, graduate, employer and educator perspectives on employability.

The Economics Network Spring Symposium, HM Treasury, 1 March. 'Changing expectations: implications of a new funding era for the teaching of economics'.


Using Case Studies in Teaching Workshop, University of Westminster, 25 June

Developing Your Economics Teaching Workshop, University of Bristol, 15 June

DeSTRESS Statistical Resources Workshop, Queen Mary, University of London, 14 June

DeSTRESS Statistical Resources Workshop, University of Bristol, 14 June

DeSTRESS Statistical Resources Workshop, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 8 June

Games and Experiments in Teaching Workshop, Loughborough University, 8 June

Technology in Teaching Workshop, Coventry University, 31 May

'Housing Market' Lecture, from the Economics Network-CPD Foundation Lecture Series, University College London, 30 May

Assessment and Feedback Workshop, Kingston University, 25 May

Project-based Learning Workshop, Kingston University, 25 May

Technology in Teaching Workshop, University of Southampton, 18 May

Creative Uses of Seminars Workshop, University of Birmingham, 17 May

Games and Experiments Workshop, University of Nottingham, 14 May

Technology in Teaching Workshop, London School of Economics and Political Science, 11 May

Online Games and Teaching Experiments Workshop, Queen Mary, University of London, 14 March

Mentoring of Economics Students Workshop, Manchester Metropolitan University, 7 March

Assessment and Feedback Workshop, Loughborough University, 1 March

Government Economic Service and Bank of England Conference, 'What post-crisis changes does the economics discipline need? Are graduate economists fit for purpose?', 7 February


Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2011, London School of Economics, 6-7 September

Developing Your Economics Teaching Workshop, Burwalls, University of Bristol, 17 June

Encouraging Student Engagement and Attendance Workshop, University of Hull, 18 May

Technology in Teaching and Assessment Workshop, University of Warwick, 23 May

Games and Simulations Workshop, Oxford Brookes University, 18 February

Setting Up and Managing Student Placements Workshop, Heriot Watt University, 26 January

Using Peer Assessment in Teaching Economics, Southampton University, 26 January

Encouraging Student Retention, Edinburgh Napier University, 18 January

Economics Network Associates/TRUE Project Lead Meeting, 14 January

Economics Network Projects Meeting, 13 January


Annual Key Contacts Conference, 'Responding to Student Feedback and Raising NSS Scores', Bristol, 8 September

eLearning Symposium, Bristol, 9 September

Learning and Teaching Project Meeting, University of Bristol, 8 July

Departmental Workshop: Assessment and Feedback, University of Aberdeen, 19 May

Departmental Workshop: Problem-based Learning, University of Greenwich, 13 May

Assessment Without Drowning, Swansea University, 13 May

Departmental Workshop: Making Lectures More Interactive/The Use of Case Studies and Problem-based Learning, University of Bradford, 11 May

'No, please. Yes, thank you', Practical Approaches to Motivating International Students', London, 30 April

Departmental Workshop: Embedding Interactive Technology in Teaching to Promote Student Engagement and Effective Learning, Heriot Watt University, 28 April

Using Threshold Concepts to Plan Teaching and Assessment in Economics, Manchester, 27 January


Key Contacts Annual Conference, Cardiff, 8 September

Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2009, Cardiff, 9-10 September

Economics Network Associates annual meeting 
Bristol, Friday 16 January

Economics Network Projects meeting 
Bristol, Thursday 15 January


eLearning Symposium
Bristol, Tuesday 9 September

Key Contacts Conference - Employability and Student Skills; Small-Scale Innovations
Bristol, Monday 8 September

Motivating International Students
Bristol, Friday 27 June

Using Problem-Based Learning in Teaching Economics and Business
Manchester, Tuesday 10 June

Teaching Development Economics
Birmingham, Wednesday 21 May

Using Threshold Concepts to plan teaching and assessment in Economics
Coventry, Thursday 15 May

Using Problem-Based Learning in Teaching Economics and Business, London, Thursday 8 May

Assessment and Feedback, London, Wednesday 7 May


Conference, Cambridge, 6-7 September Developments in Economics Education (DEE) 2007

Conference session, 11 April "Using Experimental Economics for Education in the Classroom and Beyond" at RES conference

National Workshop, London, 31 January Problem Based Learning in Economics


National Workshop, Bristol, 8 February
Teaching Development Economics

National Workshop, Bristol, 3 May
Teaching Heterodox Economics

Meeting, Bristol, 25-26 May
Economics Network Departmental Contacts Meeting

National Workshop, Oxford, 31 May
Teaching Energy and Transport Economics


National Workshop, Manchester, 4 May
Personal Development Portfolios/Plans in Economics

Conference, Cambridge, 1-2 September
Developments in Economics and Business Education


Presentations, Coventry, 10-11 March
LTSN Annual Conference 2004

Presentation, Bristol, 25 March
SOSIG National Seminar

Presentation, Perth, 30 March-1 April
Scottish Economic Society Conference 2004

Presentation, Swansea, 5 April
CHUDE Meeting at Royal Economic Society Conference

Workshop, Bristol, 21 April
Projects and Partners Training Event

Workshop, University of Kent, 2 June
Economics-focused uses of PDPs

Workshop, University of Durham, 9 June
Assessment and Group work

Presentation, Bristol, 21 June
VLE Conference (University of Bristol Learning Technology Support Service)

Workshop, London, 21-22 June
CETL Bids Meeting

National Workshop, London School of Economics, 16-17 June
Workshop for New Lecturers

National Workshop, London, 26 October
FDTL5 Projects Workshop

Presentation, London, 13 November
CHUDE Meeting

Conference, Bristol, 2-3 December
Economics Network Projects and Partners Conference

Presentation, London, 9 December
SOSIG National Seminar

Presentation, Bristol, 13 December
University of Bristol Learning and Teaching Conference


Visit, Assessment and Use of the Web in Teaching, 5 February
Department of Economics, University of Southampton

Visit, Department of Economics, University of York, 12 February
Promoting Active Learning in Lectures

Visit, Department of Economics, University of York, 19 February
Promoting Active Learning in Seminars and Small Groups

Regional Workshop, Edinburgh, 27 February
East of Scotland Regional Event, Developing Key Skills in Economics

National Workshop, London, 12 March
External examining in Economics, changing roles and responsibilities

Regional Workshop, Bristol, 13 May
Economics Teaching and Learning: Evolving a Research Agenda

National Workshop, Taunton, 14 May
Meeting the 50% Target

National Workshop, Nottingham Trent University, 23 June 
Effective Module and Programme Design

Visit, Department of Economics, University of Kent, 6 June 
Student Recruitment and Retention

Conference (with Bized), Edinburgh, 15-16 September 
DEBE (Developments in Economics and Business Education) 2003

Regional Workshop, University of Surrey, 17 September 
Joint Workshop on Assessment, Large Numbers and Student Retention for Universities of Surrey, Kingston and Portsmouth

Visit, University of Nottingham, 25 September 
Incorporating the use of Blackboard in teaching and learning practice

Economics LTSN, LTSN BEST, LTSN-ICS Event, London, 10 October 
FDTL5 Briefing Meeting

Economics LTSN, LTSN BEST, LTSN-ICS Event, Manchester, 31 October 
FDTL5 Briefing Meeting

Visit, University of Swansea, 12 November 
Creative Use of VLEs

Regional Workshop, Oxford, 19 November 
Developing Skills in Gathering and Analysing Information

Visit, University of Brighton, 5 December 
Reflecting on World Trade and Globalisation

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