Changing expectations: implications of the new funding era for the teaching of economics
Date: 1st March 2013
Time: Registration at 10.30am
Venue: Churchill Room, HM Treasury, London
The Economics Network's Spring Symposium focused on the new challenges faced by higher education economics, including: the need to develop students' skills in the classroom, the impact of higher tuition fees and teaching economics post-crisis. A number of these issues are addressed in our most recent employers' survey.
In particular, the event will explore changes in student expectations, both in terms of their experience at university and their career prospects upon graduation, in the light of increased tuition fees.
The format of this event will be a series of presentations and panel discussion. A draft programme is now available to download.
We will also be launching an interdepartmental collaborative research project on this theme at the Spring Symposium. The research project is designed to look into the impact of the change in fees on students' expectations, by investigating across university years (i.e. those paying different amounts of money to their universities). There will be a breifing on the project on March 1st at which we hope to find contributors, so if you're interested in getting involved, please come along!
Further details on this event, including times, a provisional programme and booking information will be added to this page in the coming weeks.