The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Workshop: Problem-Based Learning in Economics

The Economics Network held a departmental workshop at the University of Greenwich on 13 May 2010 on the topic of Problem-Based Learning in Economics.

The speakers were Frank Forsythe (University of Ulster) and Guglielmo Volpe (Queen Mary, University of London)

Files from the event

What is Problem-Based Learning? (Powerpoint)
Frank Forsythe

Problem-Based Learning in an Economic Growth module (Powerpoint)
Guglielmo Volpe
PBL tasks from the course are available to download

The evolution of PBL in 'Economics for Business' from 2004 to 2009 (PDF)
Denis McGrath, University of Westminster

Where next? (Word)
Frank Forsythe

Links recommended by Guglielmo Volpe: