The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Online and distance learning

Mel Powell, University of Derby
Case Study
Stephen Kinsella, University of Limerick, Ireland
Case Study
James Mackley, School of Business and Economics, Swansea University
Case Study
Cillian Ryan, University of Birmingham, and Mike Walsh, Coventry University
Case Study
Michael A. Quinn, Bentley College, USA
Case Study
Alison Wride, University of Exeter
Case Study
W. David McCausland, University of Aberdeen
Case Study
Andy Ramsden, University of Bristol
Case Study
Tim Kochanski, University of Alaska Southeast, USA
Case Study
Geraint Johnes, Lancaster University
Case Study
Douglas Chalmers, Glasgow Caledonian University
Case Study
David Kraithman and Steve Bennett, University of Hertfordshire
Case Study
W. David McCausland, University of Aberdeen
Case Study
John Sloman, University of the West of England
Case Study
David Whigham and John Houston, Glasgow Caledonian University
Case Study