Lecturer Survey 2003 Results: Appendix 1a
Answers about Individual Respondents
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> Lecturers Survey 2003
2. Please state whether you are |
Female: |
19.2% |
24 |
Male: |
80.8% |
101 |
3. What is your post? |
Teaching assistant: |
3.2% |
4 |
Visiting lecturer: |
1.6% |
2 |
Lecturer (pre 1992)/Lecturer or Senior Lecturer(post 1992): |
50.4% |
63 |
Senior lecturer (pre 1992)/Principal lecturer (post 1992): |
28.0% |
35 |
Reader: |
4.0% |
5 |
Professor: |
12.8% |
16 |
4. On what basis are you employed? |
Continuing (permanent): full time: |
85.6% |
107 |
Continuing (permanent): part time: |
8.0% |
10 |
Fixed term: full time: |
3.2% |
4 |
Fixed term: part time: |
3.2% |
4 |
4.a. If fixed term, what is the length of the term? |
<1 year: |
0.0% |
0 |
1 year: |
14.3% |
1 |
2 years: |
42.9% |
3 |
3 years: |
42.9% |
3 |
>3 years: |
0.0% |
0 |
5. Years of teaching in HE? |
< 1 year: |
2.4% |
3 |
1-2 years: |
1.6% |
2 |
3-4 years: |
12.0% |
15 |
5-6 years: |
10.4% |
13 |
7-8 years: |
5.6% |
7 |
9-10 years: |
6.4% |
8 |
11-15 years: |
24.0% |
30 |
16-20 years: |
8.0% |
10 |
21-25 years: |
8.8% |
11 |
26-30 years: |
12.8% |
16 |
> 30 years: |
8.0% |
10 |
6. Average number of teaching hours per week in term time (exclude office hours and hours for teaching admin.) |
< 3 hours: |
3.2% |
4 |
3-4 hours: |
11.2% |
14 |
5-7 hours: |
37.6% |
47 |
8-10 hours: |
23.2% |
29 |
11-15 hours: |
20.0% |
25 |
16-20 hours: |
3.2% |
4 |
> 20 hours: |
1.6% |
2 |
7. What percentage of your time do you spend on each of the following? |
7.a. Research and/or scholarly activity |
0-10: |
16.8% |
21 |
11-20: |
21.6% |
27 |
21-30: |
19.2% |
24 |
31-40: |
17.6% |
22 |
41-50: |
12.0% |
15 |
51-60: |
5.6% |
7 |
61-70: |
5.6% |
7 |
71-80: |
1.6% |
2 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
7.b. Teaching and teaching-related activities (e.g. preparation, marking) |
0-10: |
0.0% |
0 |
11-20: |
12.8% |
16 |
21-30: |
15.2% |
19 |
31-40: |
28.8% |
36 |
41-50: |
20.0% |
25 |
51-60: |
12.0% |
15 |
61-70: |
6.4% |
8 |
71-80: |
4.8% |
6 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
7.c. Administration/other |
0-10: |
12.0% |
15 |
11-20: |
31.2% |
39 |
21-30: |
23.2% |
29 |
31-40: |
20.0% |
25 |
41-50: |
4.8% |
6 |
51-60: |
4.8% |
6 |
61-70: |
2.4% |
3 |
71-80: |
1.6% |
2 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
8. Taking the time spent on teaching as 100%, what percentage of this do you spend on each of the following? |
8.a. Preparation and production of student materials |
0-10: |
4.0% |
5 |
11-20: |
13.6% |
17 |
21-30: |
28.0% |
35 |
31-40: |
29.6% |
37 |
41-50: |
12.8% |
16 |
51-60: |
6.4% |
8 |
61-70: |
4.8% |
6 |
71-80: |
0.8% |
1 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
8.b. Delivery |
0-10: |
5.6% |
7 |
11-20: |
28.8% |
36 |
21-30: |
28.8% |
36 |
31-40: |
25.6% |
32 |
41-50: |
7.2% |
9 |
51-60: |
2.4% |
3 |
61-70: |
1.6% |
2 |
71-80: |
0.0% |
0 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
8.c. Assessment (setting, marking and supervising) |
0-10: |
8.0% |
10 |
11-20: |
40.8% |
51 |
21-30: |
35.2% |
44 |
31-40: |
13.6% |
17 |
41-50: |
2.4% |
3 |
51-60: |
0.0% |
0 |
61-70: |
0.0% |
0 |
71-80: |
0.0% |
0 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
8.d. Course/module/unit administration |
0-10: |
42.4% |
53 |
11-20: |
36.0% |
45 |
21-30: |
19.2% |
24 |
31-40: |
1.6% |
2 |
41-50: |
0.8% |
1 |
51-60: |
0.0% |
0 |
61-70: |
0.0% |
0 |
71-80: |
0.0% |
0 |
81-90: |
0.0% |
0 |
91-100: |
0.0% |
0 |
9. Approximately how many hours of staff development activities related to teaching have you attended in the last two years? |
0: |
20.8% |
26 |
1-2: |
16.0% |
20 |
3-4: |
15.2% |
19 |
5-6: |
8.8% |
11 |
7-8: |
4.0% |
5 |
>8: |
35.2% |
44 |
10. Do you have a formal system of student evaluation for your courses/modules/units? |
Yes: |
94.4% |
118 |
No: |
5.6% |
7 |
10.a. If Yes, are you required to act on the results? |
Yes: |
65.3% |
77 |
No: |
34.7% |
41 |
11. How would you rank the importance your department attaches to teaching relative to research on a scale of 1 to 5? |
1 Considerably less important: |
28.0% |
35 |
2 Somewhat less important: |
25.6% |
32 |
3 Of equal importance: |
20.8% |
26 |
4 Somewhat more important: |
16.8% |
21 |
5 Considerably more important: |
8.8% |
11 |
12. How do you personally rank the importance of your teaching relative to research on a scale of 1 to 5? |
1 Considerably less important: |
7.2% |
9 |
2 Somewhat less important: |
20.0% |
25 |
3 Of equal importance: |
41.6% |
52 |
4 Somewhat more important: |
15.2% |
19 |
5 Considerably more important: |
16.0% |
20 |
14. How effective would you rate these incentives in improving your teaching practices? |
1 Have had no effect and are unlikely to: |
33.3% |
21 |
2 Have had or will have only slight effect: |
25.4% |
16 |
3 Have had or will have a moderate effect: |
25.4% |
16 |
4 Have had or will have considerable effect on some areas: |
7.9% |
5 |
5 Have had or will have considerable effect across my teaching: |
7.9% |
5 |
16. How effective would you rate these mechanisms as encouraging you to innovate? |
1 have had no effect and are unlikely to: |
25.8% |
16 |
2 Have had or will have only slight effect: |
24.2% |
15 |
3 Have had or will have a moderate effect: |
29.0% |
18 |
4 Have had or will have considerable effect on some areas: |
16.1% |
10 |
5 Have had or will have considerable effect across my teaching: |
4.8% |
3 |
17. How many seminars/workshops/conferences have you attended that were specifically dedicated to teaching and learning in the past two years? |
0: |
29.3% |
34 |
1-2: |
37.1% |
43 |
3-4: |
13.8% |
16 |
>4: |
19.8% |
23 |
19. Use of Computing and Informational Technology |
19.a. Do you use a Virtual Learning Environment, such as Blackboard or WebCT, in teaching? |
Yes: |
57.6% |
72 |
No: |
42.4% |
53 |
19.a.i. If Yes, please tell us how you use it |
To post course materials (e.g. lecture slides): |
n/a | 69 |
To provide course information (e.g. dates, assessment details): |
n/a | 66 |
To provide a discussion board: |
n/a | 24 |
To answer student queries: |
n/a | 31 |
To offer on-line tutorials/seminars: |
n/a | 7 |
To provide on-line assignments: |
n/a | 12 |
To offer on-line, self-paced courses: |
n/a | 7 |
Other (please specify): |
n/a | 12 |
19.a.ii. If Yes, who maintains your course on the Web? |
Do it myself: |
65.3% |
47 |
Help from department: |
18.1% |
13 |
Help from university central services: |
16.7% |
12 |
19.a.iii. If No: What factors prevented you from doing so? |
Lack of knowledge/training: |
n/a | 21 |
Uninterested/not relevant: |
n/a | 11 |
Time: |
n/a | 34 |
Reliability of equipment or software: |
n/a | 5 |
lack of technical support: |
n/a | 14 |
Lack of suitable material: |
n/a | 4 |
Other (please specify): |
n/a | 15 |
20. How often do you use economics/statistical software in teaching? |
Frequently: |
27.2% |
34 |
Occasionally: |
39.2% |
49 |
Never: |
33.6% |
42 |
21. What level of involvement do you have with Economics LTSN? |
I don't know about the LTSN: |
n/a | 10 |
I've heard about Economics LTSN, but haven't been involved: |
n/a | 43 |
I've used resources from the Economics LTSN Website: |
n/a | 39 |
I've attended a workshop run by the LTSN: |
n/a | 28 |
I've attended the Economics LTSN conference or plan to do so (15/16 Sept 2003, Heriot Watt, Edinburgh): |
n/a | 8 |
I am a contact person from the department for Economics LTSN: |
n/a | 35 |
Other (please specify): |
n/a | 6 |
Results for questions about individual courses and modules are in Appendix 1b