App for Android or iOS (Apple) mobile devices. "Students are asked to imagine being in charge of conserving an indicator species by choosing appropriate conservation sites and measures. After reading through some background information, students may experiment with different conservation strategies (“high benefit,” “low cost,” “benefit-cost ratio”) and investigate modifications of conservation sites and measures under climate change." The site has supporting resources for instructors, including a slide deck.
"Worksheets with questions based on current news articles and real-world examples of economic concepts appropriate for introductory Economics courses. Developed in collaboration with the Foundation for Economic Education." Each worksheet is based on current news stories, which are linked, and exists as a document in Google Docs.
Free online resources for a six-hour course on inequality. The text and diagrams are arranged under six topics. There are interactive activities dotted through the online course, which require free registration. The entire course can be downloaded in Word, PDF and other eBook formats.
As part of a course on Linear Algebra, this 8:38 video uses slides + narration to explain the use of linear algebra in an economic model.
Textbook on behavioural economics that can be read entirely online or downloaded in a variety of formats. Structured in four sections, it first shows how human biases and misjudgements have been demonstrated in experiments. Section 2 addresses alternative theories of choice and section 3 explains behavioural game theory. The last section looks at the empirical work on choice architecture.
Videos, Powerpoints, quizzes and links to readings for a one-semester college-level course. "It is primarily motivated by teaching economics using Excel to provide students a saleable and marketable skill that goes beyond the economic training. However, it can also be used as a traditional economics course[.]"
Lecture slides, handouts, and homework exercises from a 12-lecture course. Includes short PDF guides to linear algebra, calculus, and optimisation.
Lecture slides, problem sets, and exams from a 25-lecture course on "Master[ing] statistical and econometric tools along with coding in R, to analyze data and answer economic questions."
An online game simulating a month in the life of an unemployed American, presenting a succession of financial choices which are used to illustrate the big picture of poverty. It discussed the consequences of poverty in terms of health, stress, and living conditions. The site includes a PDF of sources.
Course materials, including lecture video extracts, from a course on the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis with applications to hedge funds, the 2008 Financial Crisis, and COVID-19. "Drawing on psychology, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and other fields, this course shows that the theory of market efficiency isn’t wrong, but merely incomplete. When markets are unstable, investors react instinctively, creating inefficiencies for others to exploit." Each unit has downloadable lecture slides. The course is part of the MIT Open Learning Library; it is freely available but registration is necessary to see some of the resources.
27-chapter, 418-page book published by LSE Press and available freely to read online or in epub and mobi formats. It is based on the authors' Masters course taught at Harvard Kennedy School. The content "introduces the tools of dynamic optimization in the context of economic growth, and then applies them to a wide range of policy questions". Supplementary materials include slides with all the book's equations in .tex format.
"The Economy 1.0 is CORE Econ’s original free, open access text for a year long introductory undergraduate course. It includes capstone units devoted to globalization, inequality, the environment, innovation and the networked economy, and the role of government." It was updated for the last time in 2022; subsequent revisions are implemented in The Economy 2.0. The 22-chapter textbook includes a glossary and a set of related videos.