Assessment Materials in Principles of Macroeconomics
"Worksheets with questions based on current news articles and real-world examples of economic concepts appropriate for introductory Economics courses. Developed in collaboration with the Foundation for Economic Education." Each worksheet is based on current news stories, which are linked, and exists as a document in Google Docs.
Access to this test bank requires an educator login to the CORE site, which is free. The questions support the "The Economy" books, versions 1 and 2, and are organised by book chapter. There are more than 1,000 multi-response questions with explanatory feedback for each response. The questions can be previewed in-browser or exported in GIFT, Common Cartridge, or CSV formats, allowing them to be imported into Moodle or Canva VLEs.
A freely usable library of standardised assessments for economics students, with an option to deliver the assessments online and have a summary report emailed to the lecturer. These are designed as "an objective, repeatable measure of what your students know about a particular subject" and so support testing of prerequisites for a course and enable pedagogical research.
Video lectures and problem sets (with solutions) from a course given in Spring 2023. The course is based on the Blanchard "Macroeconomics" textbook.
The AP program is a college-level one-semester course and exam for US high school students in macroeconomics. This page free-response exams for each year from 2001 onwards, with scoring guidelines available from 2004 onwards. All files are presented as PDF downloads.
A set of materials in development to support microeconomics. The main content is a set of online numerical quizzes (with randomised parameters) and a downloadable set of SCORM packages for import into virtual learning environments.
Introduction to macroeconomics in the form of 15 chapters, subdivided into a total of 137 lessons, each with an animated video, a transcript and a self-text quiz. A 16th chapter is a set of flashcards for revision. Access to the videos, full transcripts and quizzes requires a paid login. Author names and qualifications are given in each lesson.
Videos, Powerpoints, quizzes and links to readings for a one-semester college-level course. "It is primarily motivated by teaching economics using Excel to provide students a saleable and marketable skill that goes beyond the economic training. However, it can also be used as a traditional economics course[.]"
An open online textbook, divided into 38 chapters, drawn from various open educational sources including MIT Open CourseWare and Wikipedia, and curated by "subject matter experts, like professors, PhDs and Master’s students." One section deals with controversies in economics (with a US focus), such as "should the Government maintain a balanced budget?" Development of the textbook stopped in 2017 and the book was archived in this version.
This archive uses presents feedback on multi-choice questions on 40 different topics, with varying numbers of questions in each. Many of the questions involve clickable images, with students using mouse clicks to indicate equilibria. Topics include: markets, firms, wages, national income, money, unemployment and inflation, government, and international. The official site is no longer running, so this link is to's copy.
This web page supports a course on Macroeconomic Theory as taught by Charles I. Jones of University of California, Berkeley in 2004. It contains links to problem sets in PDF, links to related websites, an overview of the course and an old exam. This link goes to the's copy of the site.
A large number of problem sets, quizzes and exams, from 1997-2002, are held here in a mix of PDF and HTML formats, often with solutions in separate documents. They cover the Principles of macroeconomics courses as taught at MIT.
Each of these problem sets comes with answers in a separate file. They use true/false questions along with more detailed numerical and data analysis questions. The archive covers 1997 to 2002 and support a course on the principles of macroeconomics as taught at MIT.
The files here are 16 short, explanatory essays to accompany Mankiw's Macroeconomics textbook. Readings include "Some simple math facts", "Two versions of Okun's law", "Theories of debt burden", and "The slope of the LM curve and automatic stabilization". Past exams from Woglom's course are also here. This link is to's copy of the Spring 2000 site.
This site combines text, images and online quizzes into a survey of the classical and neoclassical paradigms of macroeconomics. It contains a number of interactive quizzes and simulations, as well as, some short text articles on a range of topics.
This is an open online course, including text, interactive graphs, assignments and discussion topics, video clips, and interactive questions, based on the OpenStax Principles of Economics textbook and refined after testing in some US universities and community colleges in 2017. It uses media from around the web, including some economics educators' YouTube channels. There are dedicated pages for lecturer Powerpoints and for problem sets.