Assessment Materials in Mathematical Economics
Lecture slides, handouts, and homework exercises from a 12-lecture course. Includes short PDF guides to linear algebra, calculus, and optimisation.
These are materials from a course intending to give students a grounding in the basic quantitative methods of economic analysis with application to commonly used formal models in microeconomics, macroeconomics, or econometrics. Maximisation, probability, utility and game theory are among the topics. They are presented as a series of PDF files including lecture notes, exam papers, homework assignments and midterm papers. This link is to the copy of the site.
Archived from Autumn 2004, this course web page includes 13 short class handouts, five problem sets with answers, and article links to JSTOR. It supports a course on introductory mathematical economics, as taught by David S. Ahn of University of California, Berkeley. This link is to's copy of the page.
This set of past exams from a first-year course, Introduction to Mathematical Economics, as taught at the University of Exeter, 1995-2000. This is a stored version of the original page, in the Internet Archive. The links marked 2002-2001 PDF do not work, but the earlier links from 2000 back to 1995 do provide access to past exam papers.
This 116-page textbook was adapted from a series of handouts used in a graduate-level course in mathematics for economists. Downloadable as a PDF file, it has four chapters (Linear algebra, Calculus, Constrained Optimization and Dynamics) plus 14 pages of exercises. Economics applications are given throughout the text. The book is dated 1999.