Assessment Materials in Advanced Econometrics and Quantitative Techniques
Lecture slides, problem sets, and exams from a 25-lecture course on "Master[ing] statistical and econometric tools along with coding in R, to analyze data and answer economic questions."
Archived from a graduate-level course in Fall 2018, this Open CourseWare site has detailed notes from all 12 lectures, as well as past problem sets. The main course text is Casella and Berger, "Statistical Inference".
This advanced course web page includes a syllabus, past exams, lecture notes, and problem sets with solutions - all in .pdf. It supports a course on Mathematical Tools for Economists as taught by Robert M. Anderson of University of California, Berkeley as taught in 2006/7.
This 116-page textbook was adapted from a series of handouts used in a graduate-level course in mathematics for economists. Downloadable as a PDF file, it has four chapters (Linear algebra, Calculus, Constrained Optimization and Dynamics) plus 14 pages of exercises. Economics applications are given throughout the text. The book is dated 1999.