The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Developments in Economics Education 2025

Developments in Economics Education 2025

The Economics Network is pleased to announce that the 13th biennial Developments in Economics Education conference will be held at the University of Leeds on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th September 2025.

DEE 2025 will be preceded by the INERME Conference taking place on Wednesday 10th in the same venue.

Call for papers

Session types

DEE 2025 session proposals should focus on research or practice in economics university education and can be one of the following:

  • Papers – Paper presentations should be used for pedagogical research; economics learning, teaching or assessment innovations; or research reviews. These involve 20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes for questions.
  • Interactive workshops – Workshops must involve some interaction and engagement with the participants and should be used to demonstrate teaching/assessment methods. We shall be happy to include workshops whose primary value is to disseminate good practice or contribute to continuing professional development. Workshops will usually be allocated 45 minutes.
  • Panels – Panels may be used to highlight a particular policy or issue within higher education economics. They should be limited to four speakers to ensure sufficient time. These will usually be allocated 45 minutes.

Conference focus

We welcome submissions on any topic relating to advancements and innovation in university economics education. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • Recent changes and challenges in higher education and the impact on economics education
  • Engaging and motivating students
  • Developing student skills and employability
  • Curriculum structure, content and reform
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Teaching innovations
  • Technological innovations
  • Linking research and teaching
  • Pedagogical research in economics

Submitting a proposal

At this stage submissions should take the form of an anonymised 150-250 word abstract outlining the topic. For workshops, please also include information about engagement and interaction and/or practical details. Submissions closed on Friday 7 March 2025.

If you are accepted to the conference, we shall also ask you to send us, by 1 August 2025, a 750-word summary of the paper (which may include up to two tables/diagrams/figures) for inclusion in the conference booklet (for paper sessions).


The University of Leeds is just a 10-minute walk from the vibrant city centre, which offers a wide range of places to stay, but is also compact and easy to get around with regular public transport services. Leeds is well connected, nationally and internationally, with excellent transport links.

Please find below some suggestion for accommodation:

Previous conference

Of those who filled in an evaluation form at DEE 2023:

  • 100% said they would recommend a colleague to come to a future DEE conference.
  • Attendees rated the impact of the conference on their teaching as 4.09 on a 1-5 scale.

Past DEE conferences

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Who Should Attend?

Anyone interested in teaching economics at HE level (whether to economics or other students), especially:

- Lecturers in higher and further education
- Graduate teaching assistants
- Library and information staff
- Teaching support staff
- Staff developers

Past DEE conferences