The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Recent trends in UK economics education: A-Level and university applications and acceptances (2023)

Report by Peter Dawson, UEA

Employability of economics graduates (2019)

As well as the research report, this project generated case studies of how economics departments are talking employability.

National Student Survey Analysis (last updated 2019)

Comparing Economics NSS results against other subjects, and between university groupings

The Year in Economics Teaching 2014-15

A report and data covering policy changes, the curriculum reform debate, and changes in classroom practice.

Undergraduate degrees in Economics in the UK (2013)

Summary report and data tables

Learning and Teaching Development Projects

These were small projects funded by the Economics Network in a succession of tranches from 2004 to 2011.

Open Educational Resources

The Teaching Resources in Undergraduate Economics (TRUE) project hosts showcases of shared resources in fifteen specialist options of economics.

The DeSTRESS project shares and creates resources to support statistical literacy in economics and other social sciences.

Census of UK HE Economics (2008)

A comparative picture of the structure of Economics degrees and the teaching and assessment methods used across the UK

Distributed e-Learning

The JISC/Higher Education Academy DeL initiative has funded several projects related to eLearning in Economics.
We were also involved in the Summer 2007 JISC-funded CAMEL project to examine the benefits and weaknesses of e-learning.

Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning (FDTL5)

Four major HEFCE-funded projects for Economics:

Inquiry Based Learning

Two projects funded by CILASS