Syllabi and reading lists
A module outline for the course delivered by Professor Dnes at the Central European University. It is typical of a modern law and economics syllabus.
Others can be seen at various universities, for example this is a course posted on the web by Bruce Benson at Florida State University.
Reading list provided by Professor Anthony Dnes, University of Hull
Lecture materials
Powerpoint slides by Antony W. Dnes, University of Hull, 2010:
- Integrity and Irrational Behavior in Gangs, Aristocracies, Cliques and other Sub Groups
- Autonomy & the Law Commission’s Proposals
Anderson Mutemererwa, University of Hull:
- Environmental Property Rights
- Crime & Criminal Law: Empirical Studies
- Crime (Further Empirical Studies)
Case studies
List of case studies provided by Anthony W. Dnes, University of Hull
Assessment materials
A traditional examination provided by Anthony W. Dnes, University of Hull
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