The Economics Network

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The ICECAP measure

Part 1: What is ICECAP and how were the attributes developed?

In this short video, Joanna Coast talks about what the ICECAP instruments are and how the attributes (or items) that appear in the ICECAP-O (see also, Grewal I, Lewis J, Flynn T, Brown J, Bond, J, Coast J. "Developing attributes for a generic quality of life measure for older people: preferences or capabilities?" Social Science and Medicine. 2006;62(8):1891-1901) and ICECAP-A measures were developed. Duration 5'45"

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Part 2: How are the ICECAP measures valued?

In this short video, Joanna Coast talks further about how the ICECAP instruments were developed, focusing particularly on the valuation of the ICECAP-O (see also, Coast J, Flynn TN, Natarajan L, Sproston K, Lewis J, Louviere JJ, Peters TJ. "Valuing the ICECAP capability index for older people." Social Science & Medicine. 2008;67:874-882 doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.05.015) and the ICECAP-A measures using the technique of best-worst scaling (see also, Flynn TN, Louviere JJ, Peters TJ, Coast J. "Best-Worst Scaling – what it can do for health care and how to do it." Journal of Health Economics. 2007;26:171-189. doi 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2006.04.002). She also talks about the challenges of valuing well-being within the capability approach. Duration 5'00"

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Part 3: How can it be used?

In this final short video on the ICECAP measures, Joanna Coast talks about how the ICECAP measures might be used in practice within economics evaluation, and the particular areas of decision-making where this sort of broad capability measure might be most useful. Duration 7'27"

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Published May 2011

Health Economics education