The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Health Economics education (HEe)

Please note that this site is currently not being updated and all the material has been moved to the IHEA Teaching Material Repository:

Any queries please be in touch with

Welcome to the Health Economics education website! Our core aims are:

  • To encourage and support teaching and learning in health economics in UK universities.
  • To create a community of health economics teachers willing to share ideas, resources and expertise in health economics teaching.
  • To promote health economics to potential students.

The website has 2 user groups: students and teachers

For teachers

This section has been designed to provide inspiring up-to-date teaching resources for health economic lecturers.

For students

This section has information on health economics courses and on the different types of careers in health economics.

About HEe

Health Economics education is led by Heather Brown at Newcastle University. Its development and activities are guided by an Advisory Group which is chaired by Professor Nancy Devlin, Director of Research at the Office of Health Economics.

If you would like further information or if you have resources you'd like to share through this site, please contact: Heather Brown (


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