Lecture materials in Experimental Economics
Miguel A. Fonseca, University of Exeter
Lectures from BEEM109 Experimental Economics and Finance, 2009/10. Slides in PDF format:
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Lecture 2: Prospect Theory and Mental Accounting
- Lecture 3: Are we Bayesians?
- Lecture 4: Behavioural Game Theory
- Lecture 5: Group Decision-Making and Social Identity
Todd Kaplan, University of Exeter / University of Haifa
Lecture slides in Powerpoint format from Markets, Games and Strategic Behaviour, 2008/09:
- Introduction
- Price competition
- Bertand complements
- Bank runs
- Network externalities
- Information asymmetries
- Vertical markets
- Supplier hold-up problem
- Drafts (PDF format slide-show)
- Price discrimination
- Insurance
- Signalling
- Subgame perfection
- Auctions
Martin Poulter, The Economics Network
Two interactive graphs to illustrate schematically the difference between hyperbolic and exponential (constant discount rate) discounting:
These have been created as demonstrators of what can be done with simple interactive graphs. The same technique could be applied to make other graphs interactive. Email m.l.poulter@bris.ac.uk to suggest ways this could be adapted.
These graphs have a Creative Commons Attribution licence.

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