Other/ miscellaneous resources for European Economics
Useful WebLinks
- European Central Bank Monetary Policy
- EU's Trade Policy website
- Monetary Unions in European History
- Big Mac PPP Index: Click on this to see video and explanation. Remember to take this all with a pinch of salt, taking into account non-tradeable goods and services like local property and labour, taxes and subsidies on beef etc.
- The Gold Standard
- EU offer on Agriculture for Doha trade round
- European commissions public finance assessment
- The Stability and Growth Pact
- European Taxation
- Euro & EMU Resources Research, news and data maintained by Giancarlo Corsetti
- European Monetary Union & Economic Outlook by David Cleeton
- The Euro Official site for the currency, run by the European Central Bank.
- European Commission Directorate General on Trade
Professor Shanti Chakravarty at Bangor University has provided an introduction to issues concerning European Trade.
Student recruitment
Why study a module in European Economcs? Short essay by Cillian Ryan for the Economics Network's site for students, StudyingEconomics.
Learning materials on other sites
European Economics links from the Economics Network database
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