Welcome to the TRUE wiki for econometrics. We are looking for your comments and suggestions regarding content, your offers of content and your opinions on the teaching of econometrics. This site is being managed by Vince Daly at Kingston University. Please contact him by email with any suggestions, advice or offers of material.
This wiki aims to provide an accessible (and free!) repository of materials contributed by teachers of econometrics. The primary focus at present is on materials to support the teaching of students in their intermediate and advanced levels of undergraduate study.
The navigation bar on the left provides links to different categories of deposited materials and to other related resources.
Our ambition is to make this repository a valuable resource for teachers of econometrics. We are seeking contributions of materials such as lecture notes and handouts, slide presentations, simulations, reading lists, problems and solutions, examination questions, case-studies, data sets to support practical exercises, software documentation, etc.
Intellectual property rights (IPR) for contributed material will remain with their present owners. You are encouraged to assert your rights by licensing the materials you contribute as Creative Commons. This simply requires the inclusion of an appropriate statement within each item that you contribute. For further information and advice please follow the IPR matters link.

Logos remain the property of their respective institutions and organisations, all rights reserved.