The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Maths Support for Economics

Many Economics (or economics-related) programmes in the UK now have a mixed intake of students with either A-level or GCSE backgrounds (or equivalents) and the latter may lack practice in the use of mathematical concepts. Our student surveys identify a problem with mathematics and statistics, frequently stating this to be one of the least satisfactory aspects of Economics degree courses.

We provide, and link to, a wide range of resources that help.

Interested in researching maths education for economists?

Consider joining the International Network for Educational Research on Mathematics in Economics (INERME), a new international academic network.

Handbook chapters

Dealing with students' diverse skills in maths and stats by Karen Jackson

Teaching case studies

Educational Resources

We link to textbooks, assessment materials, audio-visual resources and much more for both Maths for Economists and Statistics for Economists.

Refresher Maths for Economics from Warwick

The Economics Department at the University of Warwick developed a set of 84 short videos, along with slides and online quizzes, in 2021 with the support of the Royal Economic Society. These have been tested with student and updated in response to their feedback. They are organised into five main topics and at each stage show the relevance of the maths to economists.

MathCentre Resources for Economics

Mathcentre is a very large repository of tutorial videos, interactive assessments and PDF handouts to help with maths topics, roughly at A-level. This link is to a range of topics selected as relevant to Economics. The materials are categorised by area (such as Algebra, Arithmetic and Differentiation) and by individual topic.


Developed at Brunel University, MathsEG is a set of online maths tests that use random parameters, giving millions of possible individual questions for each format. It provides feedback based on common errors ("mal-rules"). Some of the questions are constructed to be directly relevant to economics. The whole thing is freely accessible and linkable online; just link the relevant topic of sub-topic from your learning environment. The teacher interface allows you to sign up and create your own tests, which can be shared with a unique URL and allow you to track student progress.

Martin Greenhow at Brunel University has created a Economics Facts and Formulae leaflet with embedded links to relevant questions in MathsEG.


METAL is a HEFCE funded project which has developed videos, tutor guides and assessment materials to enhance the teaching and learning experience of lectures and students in level 1 mathematics for economics units/modules.

Maths for Economics formula sheet

We have produced an A4-size Maths formula sheet to help Economics students with revision of arithmetic, algebra, calculus and common functions. Download the PDF.

We host a set of case studies of mathematical concepts in economic and business contexts, available in Word format for you to edit and distribute in your own courses.

MEI Resources

MEI is an independent UK curriculum development body with particular expertise in 14-19+ mathematics education. They have created extensive online resources (over 20,000 pages) to help support students. Much of this material is appropriate for undergraduates taking mathematics service courses and to support subjects such as economics. With support from the Department for Education, MEI has created the University transition resources, a Summer holiday online refresher for students who have been accepted to university courses.

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