In August 2003, the University of Luxembourg was founded making it the only university in the country. Before its inception, students had the ability to take one or two years of academic study in one of several higher educational institutions and then, if required, could go abroad to complete their degree studies.
The language of instruction is not common in that courses can be held in a combination of two languages: French/English, French/German, or English/German.
Overview of Types of Universities and Qualifications at Undergraduate and Post graduate Level
(i) Structure
The new university now combines the former University Centre (Centre Universitaire), a technology institute (Institut Supérieur de Technologie – IST), an international institute (Institut Universitaire International) and two teacher training institutes (the Institut Supérieur d’Etudes et de Recherches Pédagogiques – ISEEP and the Institut de Formation pour Educateurs et Moniteurs – IFEM). It organises itself along the lines of three faculties: science/technology and communication; law/economics and finance; arts/humanities and education sciences.
(ii) Access
A general entry requirement for undergraduate study is a school completion certificate or certificate from a technical college, or equivalent from an overseas school. In some cases it is possible for there to be further supplementary requirements before entry is allowed. These extra needs vary from course to course.
(iii) Qualifications
The University’s qualifications are based directly on the Bologna Principles. While offering Bachelor degrees in the first cycle, the emphasis of most teaching is on the second and third cycles – Masters and Doctorate study. The Faculte de Droit, d’Economie et de Finance offers three Bachelors: Bachelor en Droit (Law), Bachelor en Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (Economics and Management) and a Bachelor en Gestion (Management).
Six Masters are offered in the Faculte including a Masters in Economics and Finance, a Master of Science in Banking and Finance and a Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Finally Doctorates in Economics are offered in the third cycle.
Universities in Luxembourg (Teaching Either Economics or Business)
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