Videos in Statistics for Social Sciences
The following high-quality videos are presented by Ken Heather of the University of Portsmouth and produced by StreamLearn LLC.
- Interpreting and Using Data (19'02")
- Understanding Formulae: The Middleman (15'16")
- Understanding Formulae: Part Two (13'41")
- Percentages: Books, Wastewater, Chickens and Elections (14'37")
- Variance and Standard Deviation: Investing Your Savings (19'43")
- Introducing averages: the Distribution of Wealth (15'55")
- Index Numbers (21'04")
- Developing Index Numbers: The Human Development Index (19'39")
- Decision Analysis: Uncertainty and Climate Change (25'36")
- The Chebyshev Theorem: Fish 'n' Chips (11'48")
- The Normal Distribution, Part One: Aircraft and Body Mass Index (19'12")
- The Normal Distribution, Part Two: Shoplifting (10'31")
- Sampling and Wastewater (12'13")
- Voting and Sampling (14'23")
- Lorenz Curves: Analysing the Distribution of Income (15'19")
- Rank Correlation: Analysing Voter Concerns (13'37")
- Turnover and Correlation (10'28")
- Regression Analysis: Corruption and Investment (17'21")
- Hypothesis Testing (17'43")
- Income Distribution revisited (17'00")
See the METAL Project or the Warwick Refresher Mathematics for Economics for related videos in Maths.
Index of interviewees
- James Balog: Founder and Director, Extreme Ice Survey Film 9
- Gary Becker: Professor of Economics, University of Chicago; Nobel laureate Film 1, Film 6, Film 8, Film 17, Film 19, Film 20
- David Blake: Private Client Fund Manager, Jupiter Asset Management Ltd. Film 5
- Rene Brodeur: Director of Programs, Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Film 8, Film 20
- Margareta Cederfelt, member of the Swedish Parliament Film 18, Film 20
- Eli Chidas, Human Rights Activist, Denver Day-Labour Street Market Film 15
- Pauline Courtenay: Labour party activist Film 14
- Chris Douville: Co-ordinator of Wastewater Treatment, City of Boulder WWTF Film 13
- Jeff Friday: Professional pilot, Aspen Airport Film 11
- Jeremy Griffiths, Director, Marketing Sciences Europe, Maritz Research Film 19
- Greg Harms: Executive Director, Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Film 8, Film 20
- Wendy Hayes: Law student, University of Portsmouth Film 5
- Kurt Keilback: Water Quality Analyst, City of Boulder WWTP Film 4
- Lara Kueppers: School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced Film 9
- Christel Lundh: Ersta Diakoni Hospital for Homeless People Film 8
- Annabel Martin: Manager, Waterstone's bookstore Film 12
- Maria Miller: MP for Basingstoke, Under-Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Film 16, Film 20
- Robert Nicholls: Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Southampton; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) author Film 9
- Zacharias Peithis, coffee shop owner, Thessaloniki Film 18
- John Pullinger: Director General, Information Services, House of Commons Library; Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society Film 1, Film 3
- Hertzel Reihanian: Benetton franchise owner Film 12
- Elisa Richards, Director, Maritz Research Ltd. Film 10
- Dr. Alexandros Psychogios, Senior Lecturer, City College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Greece Film 18
- Jesper Roine: Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, Stockholm School of Economics Film 6
- Simka Stefanova, deputy editor, SEDEM, Bulgaria Film 18
- James Thompson: Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto Film 9, Film 14
- Dr. Leslie Szamosi, Senior Lecturer, City College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Greece Film 18
- Doug Walker: Operations supervisor, City of Boulder WWTF Film 13
- Sir Robert Worcester, KBE, DL: Founder of MORI Polling and Research; Chancellor, University of Kent Film 1, Film 14, Film 16
Contributor profiles
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