Case Studies & Reports for Regional and Local Economics
A selection of case studies and reports are provided. These have been completed by practitioners in regional and local economics over a number of years.
Informing Our Future (2010) produced for Hampshire Economic Partnership by CLREA, University of Portsmouth
Statistical Analysis of Worklessness in Southampton (2010) produced for Southampton City Council by CLREA, University of Portsmouth
Informing Our Future (2008) produced for Hampshire Economic Partnership by CLREA, University of Portsmouth
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Portsmouth Naval Base (2007) produced by CLREA, University of Portsmouth
Military Towns Enterprise Gateways Inital Development and Project Scoping (2007) CLREA, University of Portsmouth
The Chichester Festival Theatre Economic Impact Study (2006) CLREA, University of Portsmouth
Cluster Analysis South East Hampshire (2006) CLREA, University of Portsmouth
External links
These are copyrighted © to their publisher, all rights reserved.
London's Place in the UK Economy 2009-10 (October 2009) published by the City of London
An Assessment of the City's ICT Infrastructure (June 2009) published by the City of London, produced by SAMI consulting
London's Place in the UK Economy 2008-09 (October 2008) published by the City of London, produced by the London School of Economics
The City of London's Supply Chain and its Relationship with the City Fringes (September 2008) published by the City of London, produced by the Centre for Economics and Business Research Ltd.
Aviation Services and the City (July 2008) published by the City of London, produced by York Aviation
The Impact of City Businesses in addressing Social Disadvantage (March 2008) published by the City of London, produced by Oxford Economics
The Impact of Taxation on Financial Services Business Locations Decisions (February 2008) published by the City of London, produced by CRA International
The Impact of Churn and Migration on Population Estimates for Central London (December 2007) published by the City of London, produced by the London School of Economics
London's Place in the UK Economy 2007-08 (October 2007) published by the City of London, produced by Oxford Economics Ltd.
The Impact of Recent Immigration on the London Economy (July 2007) published by the City of London, produced by the London School of Economics
City of London Resident Population Analysis (April 2007) commisioned by the Department of Community & Children's Services, City of London, research by Fresh Minds Ltd.
The Competitive Impact of London's Financial Market Infrastructure (April 2007) published by the City of London, produced by Bourse Consultant and the City of London
London's Place in the UK Economy 2006-07 (November 2006) published by the City of London, produced by Oxford Economic Forecasting
Graduate Skills and Recruitment in the City (September 2006) published by the City of London. © Financial Services Skills Council
Emissions Trading and the City of London (September 2006) published by the City of London
VivaCity! The Economic Impact of the City Arts Cluster (July 2006) published by the City of London
The Competitive Position of London as a Global Financial Centre (November 2005) published by the Corporation of London
London's Place in the UK Economy 2005-06 (November 2005) published by the Corporation of London
These are copyrighted by their original authors and/or publishers:
Extending the research on understanding the productivity variations between Wales and the UK (2009) Professor John Hudson, University of Bath
A review of local economic and employment development policy approaches in OECD countries (2009) OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme & the Welsh Assembly Government
Assessment of the Regional Economic Impacts of Tidal Power Generation in the Severn Estuary (2009) DTZ
Analysis of the Regional Selective Assistance in Wales (2008) Stage One, Stage Two Centre for Local Economic Performance, London School of Economics
The demand for labour in areas of low economic activity (2008) Experian Business Strategies commisioned by the Welsh Assembly Government
Commuting in and around Wales (2007) Experian Business Strategies commissioned by the National Assembly for Wales
Use of non-official data to measure locational attractiveness (2006) Part One, Part Two Experian Business Strategies commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government
Understanding productivity variations between Wales and the rest of the UK (2006) University of the West of England and the University of Bath commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government
Early and late entry to motherhood in Wales: Evidence of socio-economic inequalities in the first survey of the UK millenium cohort (2006) Joshi, H. & Hawkes, D., University of London, report to the Welsh Assembly Government
Trends in Higher Education (HE) participation by neighbourhood: evidence for Wales (2006) Marcenaro-Gutierrez, O., & Vignoles, A., Centre for the Economics of Education at the Institute of Education
Scope for public transport improvements to contribute to increases in economic activity (2006) Prepared for the Welsh Assembly Government by the Transport and Travel Research Ltd in association with The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL
Dynamic smaller towns: identification of critical success factors (2006) Centre for Environment and Planning, UWE assisted by Roger Tyms and Partners commissioned by the National Assembly for Wales
The Socio-economic characteristics of the South Wales Valleys in a broader context (2006) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Prepared for the Welsh Assembly Government by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the University of Glamorgan
Responsiveness of the South Wales Valleys labour market to inward investors and other large employers (2006) DTZ commissioned by the National Assembly for Wales
Identifying barriers to economic activity in Wales (2006) Prepared for the Welsh Assembly Government by the University of Wales, Swansea -
- Stage One: Desk Research
Chapters 1 and 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5a
Chapter 5b
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
- Stage Two: Interviews of Economically Inactive People in Wales

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