The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Connections in Political Economy and Global Economic Issues

An Economics Network funded project, 2008-9, continued 2010-11

Institution: Nottingham Trent University
Project leader: Robert Jones

The aim of this project is to develop the initial framework and content of an interactive reference tool, and learning aid for students of political economy and economic issues with a wider social content.

This resource will be based on the idea of the 'concept map', providing a visual depiction of the links that might be followed from one topic of research and area of literature to another. It would consist of a computer-based set of hyperlinked pages assigned to particular topics, issues and contributors to the literature. Each page would contain annotated 'reading lists' and links to a variety of sources of information.

Output: Project Final Report, June 2010

Continuation funding awarded 2010-11


1. The continued development of a computer-based, hyperlinked concept map in political economy and global issues.

The aim of this proposed extension is to extend the framework and further develop the content of the website. Such work will take account of the encouraging and constructive feedback that has been, and continues to be gained from members of the academic community and from students.
New issues, schools of thought and influential writers will be added. Possible additions include the issue of climate change, the role of the Austrian School and associated writers, and the work and relevance of Thorstein Veblen.

2. To further the aim of encouraging students to make connections in political economy

In accordance with the proposal for the original project, the 'Connections' website is based on the idea of the 'concept map', providing a visual depiction of the links that might be followed from one topic of research and area of literature to another. It consist of a computer-based set of hyperlinked pages assigned to particular topics, issues and contributors to the literature. Each page contains annotated 'reading lists' and links to a variety of sources of information.

A particular objective of this extension is to provide more explicit examples of some possible chains of connections that might be made between different topics and areas of literature in the pursuit of a greater understanding of a particular contemporary issue, such as the Global Financial Crisis.

3 The provision of an open content facility for members of the economic academic community.

To further pursue the objective of engaging the support and participation of the economics and, wider social sciences, academic community.

OutputProject Final Report, June 2011

Contributor profiles