The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years


"Health Economics teaching: support and new resources" , Health Economists Study Group meeting, Brunel University, 5-7 September 2007

Nancy Devlin's slides from this presentation.


"Health Economics in the medical curriculum" Health Economists Study Group meeting, University of East Anglia, January 9-11 2008. This organised session focussed on challenges and innovative approaches to teaching health economics to undergraduate medical students, with presentations by Angela Robinson, Health Economics Group, University of East Anglia and Paula Lorgelly, Section of Public health and health policy, University of Glasgow University. (The presenters' slides are available on this website under 'Issues in health economics teaching and learning').

Also at that conference:

Nancy Devlin launched the Health Economics education (HEe) website and reported on plans for future developments. Nancy Devlin's slides

Emma Frew reported on the work Birmingham University is doing for the Department of Health. Emma Frew's slides.

Health Economics education