The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Health Economics education (HEe) academic members

You do not have to join HEe to use its resources! But joining is free, and puts you in contact with a community of other academics interested in teaching and learning, as well as highlighting to potential students your university's courses in health economics.

Nancy Devlin, Office of Health Economics

Martin Poulter, The Economics Network (professional support to HEe)


Rachel Baker

Garry Barton

John Brazier

Alan Brennan, Director of Health Economics and Decision Science, School of Health And Related Research, University of SheffieldStirling Bryan

Ken Buckingham

Tony Culyer

Cam Donaldson

Alastair Fischer

Julia Fox-Rushby

Joanne Gray

Richard Grieve

Mireia Jofre-Bonet

Andrew Jones

Takashi ki Kuchi

Iryna Kyzyma

Emily Lancsar

Paula Lorgelly

Ada Ma

Douglas McCulloch

Adam Oliver

Colin Pritchard

Mandy Ryan

Tracey Sach

Richard Smith

Lotte Steuton

Seow Tien Yeo

Aki Tsuchiya

Dave Whynes

Health Economics education