The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Applying for the Executive and for Deputy Director of the Network

The Economics Network is seeking to fill up to two posts on its Executive Group and to recruit a Deputy Director to replace Prof. Caroline Elliott who has completed her term. This page has the role descriptions and links to the application form. The deadline for applications was 6pm, Wednesday 22 January 2025. Thanks to all those who applied.

Role Description: EN Executive Group member


The Executive Group is the decision-making body of the Economics Network. It will typically devolve decisions to the five dedicated working groups – training; publications; conferences and symposia; data analysis and research projects; and website and communications – but collectively retains ultimate responsibility for determining the strategic direction of the Network.

Experience and eligibility

Members of the Executive Group are experienced individuals within the higher education economics community with detailed knowledge of the work of the Economics Network. They will come from across the UK higher education sector and typically have been involved with the activities of the Network for a significant period of time.

Applicants to join the Executive Group should demonstrate their commitment and impact in economics teaching and learning. Applications will be assessed against experience and success in the areas listed below and relevant experience in other areas that that can contribute positively to the Economics Network. Candidates will have strengths in particular areas but should be able to demonstrate experience and success in a range of different areas.

  • EN1: Management and leadership in the discipline, this could include leadership roles within their own institutions (departments/faculties) or as members of committees (for example within learned societies)
  • EN2: Pedagogic innovation, this could be introducing a new technology, mode of teaching and/or assessing, or way to develop students’ skills
  • EN3: Curriculum development, this could include contributing to textbooks, teaching resources, programme design within their department
  • EN4: Sharing good practice, for example running internal or national training workshops, coordinating one of our affiliated regional groups, or writing case studies for the Economics Network or other websites, presenting at the Developments in Economics Education conference or other conferences
  • EN5: Mentoring other staff, this could be via a formal mentoring scheme or informally within their department/networks
  • EN6: Publication(s) in economics pedagogy, such as paper(s) in the International Review of Economics Education, Journal of Economics Education or other journals
  • EN7: Other indicators of prestige, for example National Teaching Fellowship, Advance HE Fellowship, national or university awards
  • EN8: Sustainability of the network, by maintaining existing and developing new relationships and opportunities with funders


Members of the Executive Group will work closely with the Directors to decide the strategic direction of the Network and will be expected to make a significant leadership contribution across each year. The work of the Executive Group will vary according to the needs and activities of the Network but typically includes taking responsibility for key aspects of its delivery such as:

  • Coordinating and mentoring Associates through leadership of one of the five working groups
  • Recruitment and shortlisting of new Associates, Executive Group members and Economics Network staff
  • Analysis of sector-wide student survey and intake data
  • Building and maintaining relationships with employers and undertaking research on student employability
  • Resource development for GTA and Early Careers training programmes
  • Endorsement and accreditation of training programmes (e.g. with the Royal and Scottish economic societies)
  • Planning and development of new training opportunities, such as CPD workshops for more senior staff
  • Conference planning and programme support (e.g. conference themes and shortlisting submissions)
  • Development of online resources for teaching staff, including the Handbook and the Ideas Bank
  • Researching and pursuing fundraising opportunities

Members of the Executive Group will also be expected to attend regular meetings (quarterly). Most of these are online but we expect to have one in-person meeting each year.

Term of office and renewal

The normal term of office for members of the Executive Group is three years (with a review after the first year). After this time, renewal of a position for one subsequent three-year term is by mutual agreement with the Network and dependent on continuing contributions as laid out in the ‘responsibilities’ section above.

Application process

Applicants should complete this form to apply to join the Executive Group. You will be asked to provide your CV and a 1000 word (maximum) statement highlighting your eligibility and experience based on the criteria listed above – please also include the EN codes for clarity.

Applicants should also have agreement from their Heads of Department should they be successful, ideally with an allocation of 12 days per year for working with the Network.

The EN values diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from candidates from under-represented backgrounds and from all universities.

Role Description: EN Deputy Director

For the Deputy Director role, we are looking for all of the above plus a few additional requirements and responsibilities.


The Deputy Director:

  • Works closely with the Director and staff to shape the direction and vision of the Network and to set the agenda for Executive Group and Associate meetings
  • Shares the chairing of these meetings with the Director
  • Represents the Network on the Royal Economic Society education and training committee
  • Represents the Network on various committees (shared responsibility with the Director), such as at CHUDE and on the CHUDE sub-committee


The Deputy Director should have:

  • Experience chairing committees
  • Experience of education leadership

Application process

Applications have now closed.