The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Executive and Associates

Our Executive Group contribute to all aspects of the Network's activities including research; planning and presenting workshops; and authoring resources, such as handbook chapters, case studies and documentation (for example for workshop endorsement). This group also offer advice and support to the Network on its provision and how it can better serve the discipline.

The Executive Group is drawn from the Associates of the Economics Network. These are experienced members of the higher education economics community with a passion for developing and evaluating effective pedagogic innovation. Their role is to promote and engage with the activities of the Network such as running events or workshops, contributing teaching resources to the website, writing newsletter articles and taking part in research projects.

We occasionally call for applications for new Associates. If you are interested in applying, keep an eye on our email newsletter where we announce opportunities.

Current Executive Group

Prof Fabio AricoUniversity of East Angliafabio.arico at
Prof Ralf BeckerUniversity of Manchesterralf.becker at
Prof Steven CookSwansea Universitys.cook at
Prof Caroline ElliottUniversity of WarwickCaroline.Elliott at
Jon GuestAston Universityj.guest1 at
Dr Stefania Paredes FuentesUniversity of Southamptons.paredes-fuentes at
Prof Dimitra PetropoulouLondon School of Economicsd.petropoulou at
Dr Steven ProudUniversity of Bristolsteven.proud at
Prof Christian SpielmannUniversity of Bristolchristian.spielmann at
Prof Guglielmo VolpeCity University, Londonguglielmo.volpe at

Current Associates

Dr Panagiotis ArsenisUniversity of Surreyp.arsenis at
Dr Ruth BadruUniversity of Bristolr.badru at
Dr Lory BarileUniversity of Warwicklory.barile at
Dr Harminder BattuUniversity of Aberdeenh.battu at
Gemma Blackledge-FoughaliQueen Margaret UniversityGBlackledgeFoughali at
Prof Edmund CannonUniversity of BristolEdmund.Cannon at
Prof Edward CartwrightDe Montfort Universityedward.cartwright at
Prof Parama ChaudhuryUniversity College Londonp.chaudhury at
Dr William CollierUniversity of Kentw.j.collier at
Dr Chris ColvinQueen's University Belfastchris.colvin at
Prof Carlos CortinhasUniversity of ExeterC.Cortinhas at
Dr Paul CowellForward Collegepaul.cowell at
Dr Adam CoxUniversity of Portsmouthadam.cox at
Peter DawsonUniversity of East Angliapeter.dawson at
Dr Miguel Flores SandovalNational College of Irelandmiguel.flores at
Dr Dean GarrattAston Universityd.garratt at
Dr Liliana HardingUniversity of East Anglialiliana.harding at
Dr Sofia Izquierdo SanchezUniversity of Manchestersofia.izquierdosanchez at
Prof Cloda JenkinsImperial College Londonc.jenkins at
Dr Annika JohnsonUniversity of Bristolannika.johnson at
Dr Linda JuleffOpen Universityl.e.juleff at
Dr Maria KozlovskayaAston Universitym.kozlovskaya at
Prof Paul LatreilleUniversity of Sheffieldp.latreille at
Dr Dunli LiUniversity College at
Dr Iain LongCardiff Universitylongiw at
Dr Michael McCannNottingham Trent Universitymichael.mccann at
Dr David McCauslandUniversity of Aberdeend.mccausland at
Dr Lauren McInallyUniversity of Strathclydelauren.mcinally at
Dr Andrew MearmanUniversity of Leedsa.j.mearman at
Paul MiddleditchUniversity of Manchesterpaul.middleditch a
Prof Wyn MorganUniversity of Sheffieldw.morgan at
Dr Matthew OlczakAston Universitym.olczak at
Ros O'LearyUniversity of Bristolros.oleary at
Dr Mathilde PéronUniversity of Yorkmathilde.peron at
Dr Mario PezzinoUniversity of Manchestermario.pezzino at
Dr Mike ReynoldsUniversity of Leedsm.m.reynolds at
Dr Robert RieglerAston Universityr.riegler at
Dr Judith ShapiroLondon School of Economicsj.c.shapiro at
Dr Alexander SquiresUniversity of Manchesteralexander.squires at
Dr Petar StankovRoyal Holloway, University of Londonpetar.stankov at
Dr Swati VirmaniDe Montfort Universityswati.virmani at
Dr Duncan WatsonUniversity of East Angliaduncan.watson at
Dr Christopher WilsonLoughborough Universityc.m.wilson at