The Register of Higher Education Institutions of 30 June 2010 includes 30 independent higher education institutions and five universities, the newest of the former particularly focusing on social sciences. Slovenia participated actively in the Bologna process and as a member of the European Union it has committed itself to the goals of the Lisbon Agenda.
Higher Education in Slovenia has recently undergone a major review. The National Higher Education Programme 2011-2020 includes the entire area of tertiary education, which in addition to higher education institutions, also includes higher vocational colleges. In accordance with the Higher Education Act universities provide for the development of science, professional competence and art. Faculties perform scientific research and educational activity, while professional colleges carry out educational and also professional activity.
Overview of Types of Universities and Qualifications at Undergraduate and Post graduate Level
Higher education
(i) Structure
- Univerza (University): Slovenia’s universities include:
- Faculites (Fakulteta)
- Art academies (Umetniška akademija)
- Professional colleges
- Single higher education institutions (private) (samostojni visokošolski zavodi).
- Short cycle higher vocational college education (Visoka strokovna šola). The study is for a period of two years in duration and is valued at 120 credit points. It is focused, to a large extent, on the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills in specific occupations.
(ii) Access
The basic admission requirement for a university is the Matura (Maturitetno spričevalo) exam. University study programmes last between four and six years and end with the Diploma exam. A successful student receives a Diploma with a professional title naming the field of study. With a University Diploma, students can either seek work or continue their studies at post-graduate level.
The admission requirement for postgraduate study programmes leading to Master is a university degree. These programmes last for two years and end with the defence of a thesis. Successful students receive the academic title of Master in a specific field of study.
The admission requirements for postgraduate study programmes leading to Doctor of Science are either a university degree or a Master degree. Doctoral study programmes after a University Diploma last four years, programmes for students with a Master degree last two years.
(iii) Qualifications
The post Bologna system in Slovenia is as follows:
The first-cycle has a binary system of academic and professional study programmes leading to the first-cycle degree (diplomirani). Their duration is determined by years (three to four years) and credit points (180 to 240 CP). 60 credit points may be obtained per study year; 1 credit point consists of 25 to 30 hours of a student’s work.
The second-cycle offers Masters’ study programmes leading to Magister. They consist of 60 to 120 credit points and last from one to two years.
The third-cycle, doctoral studies, leads to ‘Doktor znanosti’. Duration is three years; study requirements consist of 180 credit points, two thirds of which must be acquired by research.
Universities Teaching either Economics or Business
Public institutions
- University of Ljubljana
- University of Maribor
- University of Primorska
- University of Nova Gorica
Private institutions
- GEA College of Entrepreneurship
- Faculty of Information Studies
- Faculty of Applied Social Studies
- IEDC-Bled School of Management
- International School for Business and Social Studies
- Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
- Doba Higher School of Business
- Ljubljana School of Accounting
- Higher School of Applied Sciences
- Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences
- Business and Management College Novo mesto
Approved private university
- European Study Center Maribor