The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Exploring the links between research and teaching in economics

An Economics Network funded project, 2008-9

Institution: Edinburgh Napier University
Project leader: Linda Juleff

The purpose of this project is to try to provide additional information about the ways in which the link between subject based research and teaching is both perceived and made within UK economics departments. While the Economics Network's lecturer survey provides a very good starting point in terms of quantifying the perceptions of academic staff respondents regarding the link between research and teaching, this project is designed to augment that information by conducting a series of focus group activities with academic economists. These focus groups, which will take the form of workshop based activities at conferences and/or within individual economics departments are designed to obtain additional information regarding the perceived relationship between research and teaching. Perhaps more importantly, however, in terms of the national agenda, they will seek to examine the ways in which research-teaching linkages are used in order to enhance student's employability skills in terms of their understanding of research process and the development of those graduate attributes that are valued by employers.


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