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In response to findings during the initial phase of the initiative, the Economics Network has initiated the following projects:
- Audit: We are collecting and cataloguing syllabi, ideas, case studies, textbooks and websites related to sustainable development and economics. If you have any suggestions for additions, please send them to us. Links to resources available now can be found on the ESD theme page.
- Research directory: We believe very strongly in the link between research and teaching. To encourage this, we have created a networking directory for lecturers seeking to collaborate on research with others. To add your details, please contact us.
- Departmental workshops: If you would like your economics department to spend some time discussing ways to embed sustainable development in the curriculum, we are happy to facilitate this process during a staff meeting, staff development session, or even as a full-day workshop. Contact us for details.
- Textbook annotations: We are offering book vouchers to lecturers willing to annotate textbooks that may be of interest to economics lecturers wishing to embed sustainable development in their courses. For more information, please contact us.
- Interdisciplinary work: In conjunction with the Interdisciplinary Group of the Higher Education Academy, we are hosting events, workshops, and conferences on facilitating dialogue between disciplines. Participants in the ESD initiative will always be informed of upcoming events and activities, such as the problem-based learning project on market town sustainability.
- Mini-Project: The Coventry University Department of Economics applied for funding to embed sustainable development in the curriculum. The project began in the 2005-2006 academic year.
Project leaders: Shinder S. Thandi and Mike Rosser
Contacts:, aims of this project are:
- Identify relevant concepts in sustainability and sustainable development and assess current practice of introducing them in economics at Coventry;
- Evaluate current student learning experiences of these concepts through a structured questionnaire at all levels of the degree programmes at Coventry;
- In light of the results, identify and develop a strategy for embedding concepts: e.g. introduce concepts in only option modules or on all core modules taken by students.
- Commence development of a Web site (to complement and adapt, but not duplicate), the one designed jointly by the Engineering departments of Coventry and Loughborough Universities which incorporates case studies and a resource pack for use at different levels; Further information on the Engineering web-site is available online
- Disseminate the process of curriculum change and results of the Coventry experience
We are always happy to receive Mini-Project funding applications. Lecturers on the ESD list serv will be notified when the call for applications is made for future academic years.