The Economics Network

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Wikidata visualisations for economics

Martin Poulter, The Economics Network
Published November 2016, last updated January 2022

These visualisations are generated using the Wikidata Query Service. Wikidata holds many facts and figures about notable people and events (i.e. those that have a Wikipedia article). As more facts are added to Wikidata, these maps will become richer.

Each link runs a live query on a database that has tens of millions of items. Hence, the maps may take several seconds to appear in your browser.

Map of dead economists' birthplace locations, with birth years (data table)

Map of living economists' birthplace locations, with birth years (data table)

Map of Economics Nobel laureates' workplaces, with images (data table)

Map of where Economics Nobel laureates were educated, with images (data table)

Economists with a Project Gutenberg profile (i.e. text in the public domain), and a link to their profile in English Wikisource, if it exists

Winners of more than one economics award

Economics awards and the genders of notable recipients (data table) (based on Scholia by Finn Årup Nielsen)

Interactive timeline of Chancellors of the Exchequer with parties and dates in office | Original query for data set

Interactive timeline of Chairs of the US Federal Reserve with dates in office | Original query for data set

To get these data as a table: click the "data table" link, click "Run" on the resulting page to create the table, then the Download button, on the right of the page, will let you choose a file format (such as Comma Separated Variable).

Update: the German National Library of Economics have published a blog post about combining Wikidata with other sources of information about economists. They give some examples of queries on the data.

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