Discussion Papers in Economics Education
Discussion Papers in Economics Education aims to promote the development and sharing of knowledge and practice of economics teaching in higher education.
Discussion Papers in Economics Education encourages work in progress or ready for publication which focus on high quality research in curriculum design, pedagogy, assessment, and teaching and learning innovation. Examples of relevant paper subject areas, in line with the Economics Network’s journal International Review of Economics Education, include:
- How do economics students learn?
- What economics should be taught?
- What are the constraints in improving economics teaching and learning?
- How can current practice be improved?
- How is economics taught internationally and what can we learn from this?
- How can electronic learning technologies be used to improve student learning in economics?
Discussion Papers should be approximately 2,000 to 7,000 words, and close to journal publication quality.
Editorial group
Review and editing
Submissions to the Discussion Papers will receive a brief editorial review by the editorial group.
Accepted papers will be proofread and lightly edited, if necessary, prior to posting on the series web site. Discussion Papers will be numbered in the order in which they are posted.
Copyright for papers included in the Discussion Papers remains with the authors, who are free to publish their papers elsewhere at any time.
Submission guidelines
Papers should be emailed as Microsoft Word, Scientific Word or LaTeX files to econ-network@bristol.ac.uk.
Please make sure you have provided:
- The name of the author designated as the corresponding author, along with an email address, full postal address, and telephone numbers.
- All author data on a separate page to facilitate anonymous peer review.
- Abstract (250 words maximum).
- Keywords (3-5).
- Numbered pages in sequence.
Please also ensure:
- A consistent system of referencing is used throughout the paper.
- Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet).
- All tables, figures, and captions are separated from the body of the text, i.e., do not embed tables and figures in text.
- Graphics are high-resolution.
- All necessary files have been included.
- All figure captions have been provided.
- All tables are present (including title, description, footnotes)