The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Conference sessions in Small-group teaching

Group Work positivity

Workshop at DEE 2023,
Cloda Jenkins (Imperial College London)

LSE first year challenge - creating greater sense of community within the Economics Department

Workshop at DEE 2019,
Katarzyna Krajniewska (London School of Economics)

This academic year (2018/2019), we introduced at the LSE Department of Economics a new way of creating greater sense of community among our first year students and introducing them to economics and LSE heritage, the First Year Challenge. All of our fresher were divided in the groups of 5, and sent to various London locations where they met their peers. Each student received a clue which he/she should research in advance, and the big theme was ’Economic and Financial Crisis - 10 years on’ through the lenses of the never ending Hayek - Keynes debate, to give it a bit of a connection to the LSE (Hayek was LSE professor from 1931-1950). Keeping in mind the school’s motto: Rerum cognoscere causas, the tasks encouraged students to analyse the crisis according to three aspects: (1) causes, (2) responses, (3) consequences and lessons learnt. The final product was a 3-minute-long video produced by each group. Initial judging was made by the Academic Mentors (all students within a group shared the same Academic Mentor). 18 out of 51 videos were shortlisted and final winners were selected by a panel of judges. During the project students interacted with their group members, their Academic Mentors and Undergraduate Tutors. The project lasted 3 weeks and had 3 main aims: 1) create greater sense of community in the LSE Econ Department (develop sense of identity and togetherness, introduce students to the School’s history, bond students with each other and their Academic Mentors), 2) engage the students in academic research early on, 3) encourage peer exchange and learning through a variety of mediums. The emphasis was on strengthening the sense of community. Students were encouraged to explore London together and the Ultimate London Explorer Prize was awarded.