Miriam was until recently the Network's Project, Events and Publications Officer, managing publications including the Network's peer-reviewed journals and newsletters.
Miriam studied Economics and International Relations at the University of the West of England, and worked for the Economics Network as its first student placement in 2008/09. She worked on the WhyStudyEconomics? and StudyEconomics websites.
The role of the Projects, Events and Publications Officer is to:
- Organise, coordinate and manage events including national and departmental workshops.
- Organise, coordinate and manage publications, for example the International Review of Economics Education and online newsletter
- Develop, implement and manage thematic projects and schemes for the dissemination and implementation of good practice in learning and teaching, for example the student focus group scheme, the annual awards scheme
- Manage the record keeping of events, publications and projects
- Identify needs within the UK Higher Education economics community through literature reviews, surveys and focus groups
- Work with external contacts to support thematic projects
Please send all queries to econ-network@bristol.ac.uk