The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Our Electronic Mailing List


The Economics Network maintains a discussion and dissemination list for academic teachers of economics. This list is hosted by JISCmail. See below for subscription instructions. The list's home page is at the above link.

It is possible to browse or web interface.

Moderation Policy

The Econ-Network list is moderated. Articles are accepted if they have:

  1. Major relevance to economics (such as the announcement of a major conference)
  2. Major relevance to learning and teaching in UK Higher Education, including learning technology
  3. Specific relevance to teaching and learning in economics

Most likely to be included are conference announcements, announcements of resources such as software or web sites, news of projects or funding initiatives.

Adverts for academic placements in economics are not likely to be accepted.

The moderators reserve the right not to forward posts which do not meet these criteria. Some of the accepted posts that are accepted will be summarised and included in the Centre's Newsletter which is published four times a year in paper format and electronically.

Please do not email the Economics Network with join instructions. At best you will receive an email reply repeating the joining instructions above, and at worst you risk being ignored.


What's Related:

  • JISCmail hosts thousands of lists specifically for the UK and international academic community. General information on their services is available from the JISCmail home page.