Worksheets and Projects in Welfare, Inequality and Redistribution
Sixteen PDF modules originally created by the Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE) and now hosted by the Economics In Context Initiative at Boston University. "The modules range from 25-60 pages, and most include discussion questions, glossary, references, and exercises." Some content is adapted from the "Economics in Context" series of textbooks.
Slides, video lectures and syllabus from the Harvard introductory course "Using Big Data Solve Economic and Social Problems" which gets students using statistical science to examine topics such as equality of opportunity, education, health, the environment, and criminal justice. There are also handouts and files from four empirical projects that constitute the course.
Course page from a Fall 2013 assignment which allocated students to improve and review Wikipedia articles, including "Food security", "Illegal drug trade" and "Socioeconomic impact of female education". The page sets out the activities the students were required to do during the course, including proposing a change, making change on Wikipedia and reviewing each other's contributions. The course was supported by Wikipedia volunteers and campus Wikipedians. A table at the foot of the page lists the affected articles.