Video and Audio Lectures in Industrial Economics
Online course consisting of 41 Youtube videos (totalling about 4 hours), online self-tests and forum capabilities for asking questions. The course addresses the economics of media industries, media bias, regulation and other governmental actions, and how media related to economic development. Six of the video lectures are given by guest speakers, addressing topics including media bias, net neutrality, and the market for newspapers.
A 14-minute talk, filmed in 2013, when Mazzucato was publicising her book "The Entrepreneurial State". She argues that private venture capital takes fewer risks than generally thought and that the state has an unexpectedly large role in fostering risk taking and innovation. The talk is downloadable in a variety of formats, comes with an interactive transcript and has subtitles available in many languages.
Video lectures, PDF lecture slides and some assessment questions from a 22-lecture course taught at MIT in 2012. The main sections of the course are ""Energy Systems and Policies: Overview", "The Climate Problem", "Household and Organization Decision-Making", "Primary Energy & Electric Power", and "Public Policies: Determinants & Processes".