Video and Audio Lectures in Economic Thought and Critiques of Economic Theories or Schools
Eleven lectures, of varying lengths, on economic methodology published by the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Skidelsky looks at whether other disciplines, including psychology, sociology and ethics, can illuminate economic questions.
A 26-minute lecture at the Occupy Harvard Teach-in in December 2011. Prof Schor discusses "the corruption of the Economics profession by corporate interests". The video is available on YouTube under a Creative Commons Attribution licence that allows remixing.
Professor Joan Robinson (1903-1983) was a guest professor at Stanford University in May 1974. Robinson was a member of Keynes inner circle as he wrote the General Theory, and later became a strident critic of textbook economics. This webpage features partial recordings of her guest lectures amounting to over 3 hours of mp3 audio files. Topics covered: What is Wrong with Neoclassical Economics?, Traditional Economics is Inappropriate for Developing Economics, Socialist Economies and Consumer Sovereignty.