Video and Audio Clips in Principles of Microeconomics
Seven minute animated video introducing how wealth inequality and income inequality are affected by government policy. The TED-Ed site includes self-test questions and a short text with additional links.
Five-minute animated video with self-test quiz and a short text which links to related articles. This lesson examines supply-side economics and "trickle-down" economics.
Welker's Wikinomics is a set of online resources for teachers and students of International Baccalaureate Economics. The video resources include around 100 video tutorials of about ten minutes each. They use a narrated-diagram format to explain concepts in basic micro-, macro- and international economics. Each category also has flashcards, a glossary and worksheets.
Murphy, a Professor of Accountancy, answers questions about economics in lay terms, while critiquing politicians' economic pronouncements in this series of clips. The 63 clips last from 4 to 10 minutes. Topics include "the difference between Macro and Micro Economics", "Who owns the UK's National Debt?", "What is Quantitative Easing?" and "What are monetary and fiscal policy?"
This YouTube channel is frequently posting short (about quarter of an hour), very introductory videos. These use stock footage and narration to explain the context to a particular economy or economic decision. The author is anonymous, based in Australia, and claims to be an economist. As well as profiles of many countries, there are videos about virtual or fictional economies such as Westeros, the Star Wars galaxy or the games Entropia Universe and Runescape. Multi-level marketing schemes, Bitcoin and the Dutch East India Company are among the other topics.
Many videos, ranging from 2 minutes to 17 minutes' length, explaining or revising topics in Advanced Placement macro and micro Economics, combining live presentation with simple animation.
This YouTube playlist, presented by a popular video-blogger, is mostly about the US political system, but some of the videos address government regulation, monetary & fiscal policy, the free market and market failure. The fifty videos are each just under ten minutes in length and combine the presenter speaking to camera with some animation. CrashCourse is a crowd-funded project in partnership with PBS Digital Studios.
Six-minute animated video introducing the Prisoner's Dilemma and the concepts of Nash equilibrium and interated games. The lesson comes with a self-test quiz and an accompanying explanatory text which goes deeper into the topic.
This ongoing archive of 20+-minute interviews includes some prominent economists, politicians and academics speaking on economic issues. They include Christine Lagarde of the IMF, Richard Thaler, Esther Duflo, Statistician Nate Silver and former Chancellor Alastair Darling.
Access to these videos requires an instructor login to the CORE site, which is free. Videos of around 4 minutes' length, with contributors including James Heckman, Esther Duflo, and Joseph Stiglitz. A total of 22 topics are covered, using on-camera interviews and stock footage. Each video can be viewed on YouTube, on the Chinese streaming site Bilibili, or downloaded as an MP4 file, and comes with a transcript.
Access to these videos requires an instructor login to the CORE site, which is free. 17 "short video tutorials on key models used in CORE Econ’s The Economy 1.0 and Economy, Society, and Public Policy ebooks." The videos use screen-captures and on-screen speakers, and range from 4 to 15 minutes. Each video can be played on YouTube or the Chinese site Bilibili, or downloaded in MP4 format. A transcript is also available.
Three-and-a-half minute animated YouTube video giving a very basic introduction to the concept of income inequality, with links to further reading.
Ormosi's short YouTube videos use cooking to explain economic concepts in terms of everyday experience. Each video combines live action and animation, giving a recipe and using it to introduce a topic such as inequality, cartels, or why people put greater value on vegetables they've grown themselves.
A YouTube playlist totalling 13 minutes, with introductory explanations of supply and demand using narrated slides.
Five-minute animated video explaining the Tragedy of the Commons and applying it to situations including pollution and water usage. The lesson comes with a short self-test quiz and some links to related resources.
Though this YouTube channel of well-produced, narrated illustrations is mostly in French, the linked playlist has several with English text and narration, on topics including "What is Comparative Advantage?", "How can a country go bankrupt?", "How does bad news affect the economy?" and "What is the Budget Wall?" Content is approved by academic economists as well as by Le Monde.
Four minute animated video explaining the concept of marginal value and the phenomenon of diminishing marginal utility. On the TED-Ed site the video is accompanied with self-test questions and relevant links.
A collection of short clips from the TV comedy "The Big Bang Theory" with tags and captions connecting them to economic topics. There is also a section with tutors' guides on activities for teaching various topics.
Dozens of short clips featuring narrated sketch diagrams to explain principles concepts, created during 2014 and 2015. Some of these clips are used in Bouman's online textbooks on Principles of Macroeconomics and Principles of Microeconomics.
Archived on this page are links to particular PBS NOW stories relating to economics. The links take to story pages that often include further links to video, transcripts, data and side stories. The archives go from 2002 to 2010.
Clips from the US version of the comedy series "The Office" are used to illustrate economic concepts. The often poor decisions made by characters are shown as examples of how not to think about economics. The clips are indexed by season, by episode name, by character and by clip length. Most of the clips are under four minutes in length, with many under one minute. Each clip is tagged with relevant economic concepts and has a one-paragraph explanation of the action and its relevance to economics.
This site uses short clips from the TV comedy series "Seinfeld" to illustrate economic concepts. The clips are indexed by episode name and by economic concept. The site is also searchable. Each clip has a one-line summary and a discussion board.