Video and Audio Clips in Other topics
A YouTube channel from EconFilms, this is regularly updated with interviews of experts, hosted by Ben Chu of the Independent and Lizzy Burden of the Telegraph. Usually there are two guests in an episode lasting 25 minutes. Guests so far have included Ned Phelps, Jospeh Stiglitz, Vince Cable, Diane Coyle, and Gus O'Donnell.
YouTube playlist begun in July 2020, featuring interviews with labour economists in different countries about the impact of the pandemic has in each country. Each video is 10 to 20 minutes long.
A series of six half-hour videos exploring the intersection of economics and philosophy, featuring questions like "Does having tradable refugee quotas commodify people?", "Should you be able to sell your kidney?" and "Should companies be able to take life insurance policies out on janitors without their knowledge?" Sandel debates with groups of his students and with guests including Joseph Stiglitz, Robert Barro, Richard Posner, and LSE Director Dame Minouche Shafik. The series is hosted by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, which describes itself as "a nonpartisan research and education nonprofit organization based in New York".