Text and Notes in Structural and Institutional Economics
Formerly the European School of New Institutional Economic (ESNIE), the IOEA website includes 'Archives' sections with downloadable papers and slides from presentations made to ESNIE institutional economics conferences and other events; authors include Oliver Williamson, Sidney Winter, Richard Langlois.
This is a special issue of Finance and Development (March 2006), produced by the IMF, with non-technical papers on economic growth in a development context. Papers emphasise the plurality of definitions and theories of growth, but also address practical development strategy issues.
Behavioral Economics is a draft of the opening chapter of C Camerer, G Loewenstein and M Rabin (eds)(2003) Advances in Behavioral Economics, Princeton University Press. It covers the main heuristics and judgement biases revealed by psychological experiments and statistical surveys on choice, and the implications for macroeconomics, financial economics, labour economics and other areas where 'rational' choice is traditionally assumes.
Extensive notes on Acemoglu and Robinson's lectures on institutional political economy as applied to development, which form a proptotype for their recent book on 'Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy.' Makes extensive use of economic models, but text should also be of interest to economic historians, political economists and political scientists.