Text and Notes in Economic Growth
Selected chapters from the fourth edition of "Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach" (Houghton Mifflin), recommended by reviewers as one of the clearest integrations of standard environmental economics with new ecological economics. Two chapters are available to download, and numerous other short documents update the chapters. Those who have bought the book can access password-protected instructor resources and student support materials.
Detailed notes from eight lectures of an undergraduate course are downloadable separately as PDFs. The topics from this Spring 2013 course include Solow and the Neoclassical growth model, endogenous growth, and financial crises. All materials are available as PDF files, with links to the course website that provides accompanying materials.
This is a special issue of Finance and Development (March 2006), produced by the IMF, with non-technical papers on economic growth in a development context. Papers emphasise the plurality of definitions and theories of growth, but also address practical development strategy issues.
Extensive notes on Acemoglu and Robinson's lectures on institutional political economy as applied to development, which form a proptotype for their recent book on 'Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy.' Makes extensive use of economic models, but text should also be of interest to economic historians, political economists and political scientists.
The categories in this collection of references for use in economic growth courses is as follows: basic references; internet resources; neoclassical growth models; empirical evidence: growth and levels; first generation/"AK" growth models; idea-based growth models; empirical evidence on models of long-run growth; learning by doing and human capital; why are we so rich and they so poor?; the direction of technical change; growth over the very long run; r&d, patents, and productivity; natural resources, the environment, and growth; and interesting and accessible readings.
Economic Growth and Government Policy seminar collates papers on economic growth, and its links to education and other aspects of government policy, presented to a HM Treasury seminar in October 2000 and downloadable as PDF files. Subjects include 'What does modern growth analysis say about government policy towards growth?' (Richard Freeman), 'Public policies and aggregate economic performance' (Tim Besley), 'Supply side policy and British relative economic decline' (Nick Crafts), 'The benefits of education' (Jon Temple). Papers are relatively short, avoid technical presentation, and summarise the state of the art of 'new' growth theory circa 2000.