Text and Notes in Advanced Microeconomics
Guide to the subsystem of the General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) that can be used to build and solve general equilibrium models. Sections (with gemoetric and algebraic explanation of the model followed by worked examples in GAMS/MPSGE) on: Introduction to Demand Theory; Constant Elasticity of Substitution functions; General Equilibrium with Phblicv Goods; Comparing the Performance of Flexible Functional Forms; Competitive General Equilibrium and Economic History; and a 'small library' of other microeconomic examples.
77-page PDF of lecture notes. The author writes, "I am not aware of the existence of any other full length and exclusive treatment of demand theory with money as a commodity."
Freely downloadable PDF version of a printed textbook. "The book focuses on the concepts of model and equilibrium. It states models and results precisely, and provides proofs for all results. It uses only elementary mathematics (with almost no calculus), although many of the proofs involve sustained logical arguments. It includes about 150 exercises."
Available in two editions: one uses he/him pronouns throughout; the other uses she/her pronouns.
Course page for an advanced undergraduate course in game theory, including lecture slides, handouts, a topic list, and an example exam.
Detailed lecture notes, reading list, and assessment materials from a 2016 undergraduate/ graduate course applying microeconomic theory to analysis of public policy. "Topics include minimum wages and employment, food stamps and consumer welfare, economics of risk and safety regulation, the value of education, and gains from international trade."
PDF document with seven pages of text, equations and diagrams explaining GE theory, with four pages of exercises. From a Microeconomic Theory course taught in 2014. This link goes to the Wayback Machine's archived copy since the original site is offline.
Course page for a 2014 course based around Dixit and Susan Skeath's text Games of Strategy. Includes a 95-page PDF booklet of detailed lecture notes and problems, reading list for the 12-week course, and problem sets and tests with answers. This link goes to the Archive.org copy of the site.
This course page has lecture handouts, syllabus and a problem set from a master's level course delivered in 2009.
Syllabus, seven sets of detailed lecture notes, and problem sets, available as PDF document. Topics include Strategic Form Games and Nash Equilibrium, Rationalizability and Iterated Elimination of Dominated Actions, Bayesian Games and Correlated Equilibrium, Extensive Form Games with Perfect Information, Bargaining, Repeated Games, and Extensive Form Games with Imperfect and Incomplete Information. This link is to the Archive.org copy of the site.
This is part of the econphd.net site and links to nearly 150 graduate-level lecture notes from lecturers around the world. Categories of material are: microeconomics (Consumers, firms and general equilibrium, Game theory, Mechanism design and public economics, Applied and computational micro and other topics in micro), mathematics (Mathematics for economists, Optimization, Linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, Analysis, measure theory, topology, Discrete mathematics, logic, game theory, and other), macroeconomics (Various models, Recursive (dynamic programming) treatments, Dynamic methods, Asset pricing and financing), econometrics (Probability and mathematical statistics, Econometrics (general), Macroeconometrics (time series) and financial econometrics, Microeconometrics), and software (Matlab, Gauss, Stata).
Auctions: Theory and Practice is an online book on auction theory by Paul Klemperer one of the economists responsible for the UK's record-breaking 3rd Generation mobile licence auction, the theme of the book's final section. Avoids mathematical complication and uses practical examples wherever possible. Includes more general discussion of information economics, and the uses/abuses of economic modelling; and extends ideas of auction and bargaining strategy into such areas as corporate takeovers and stock market bubbles. Chapter 1, an extensive literature review, includes questions and answers on the Revenue Equivalence Theorem and other elements of auction theory, from the Oxford Economics M.Phil. Ends with suggestions for course outlines and a detailed reference list.
The web page for this first year PhD-level course includes a syllabus, 13 short class handouts, and problem sets with suggested solutions - all in PDF. Topics start from binary choice and preference and run through Debreu's Theorem, von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility, Anscombe-Aumann expected utility and Savage utility. This link is to the Archive.org archive of the site.
This course web page from October 2004 includes a syllabus, handouts and assignments, mostly in .pdf. Topics are: microfinance institutions, history of thought, sharecropping, Nicaraguan poverty and inequality.
Maps of bounded rationality : a perspective on intuitive judgement and choice is Daniel Kahneman's 2002 Nobel Prize lecture, reviewing psychological and behavioural perspectives on economic choice following from his pioneering work with Amos Tversky. Includes a summary of their 'prospect theory', an alternative to rational choice theory that is consistent with their empirically discovered judgement biases, and a review of evidence for the main heuristics and their associated biases. Available as text or as a video of the lecture.