Online Textbooks in Economic Theory
This is a 264-page book published through Open Book Publishers, available as a free download in PDF and other electronic formats, as well as in print. It combines a personal memoir with an introduction to some central concepts of modern economic thought. Rubinstein describes mathematical models as fables- existing between fantasy and reality, illuminating but not accurately portraying the real world.
Auctions: Theory and Practice is an online book on auction theory by Paul Klemperer, one of the economists responsible for the UK's record-breaking 3rd Generation mobile licence auction, the theme of the book's final section. Avoids mathematical complication and uses practical examples wherever possible. Includes more general discussion of information economics, and the uses/abuses of economic modelling; and extends ideas of auction and bargaining strategy into such areas as corporate takeovers and stock market bubbles. Chapter 1, an extensive literature review, includes questions and answers on the Revenue Equivalence Theorem and other elements of auction theory, from the Oxford Economics M.Phil. Ends with suggestions for course outlines and a detailed reference list.
Modeling bounded rationality is a textbook on advanced game theoretic models of bounded rationality, written by Ariel Rubinstein in 1998. It "provides potential material for a one-term graduate course. The choice of material is highly subjective. Bibliographic notes appear at the end of each chapter. The projects that follow those notes contain speculative material and ideas that the reader should consider with caution." The book is available as a single PDF file of 220 pages to download.