Lecture Slides in Principles (General)
This is a collection of presentations given at various CBI (Confederation of British Industry) events made available via SlideShare. They have been authored by members of the CBI or invited speakers from HM Treasury, companies and other organisations. They cover topics such as public procurement, climate change, energy policy, pensions etc. In common with other resources available on SlideShare they are embeddable in other websites, some are downloadable and registered users can comment on the presentations.
This is a course website for Econ 2 (Market Imperfections and Policy) delivered in 2011. It contains a course syllabus, problem sets, practice exam papers, slides from each lecture and a series of links to topical economics stories in the news. The course is based on the text by Robert H. Frank and Ben S. Bernanke, Principles of Economics, Third edition. The original site has been taken down and this link is to the Web Archive's copy.
Thinkwell is a commercial learning tutorial service that supports economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics courses. It consists of video lectures that give simultaneous views of the lecturer and his slides and animations. Online interactive exercises with feedback, review notes, course management tools and a dedicated website for users. Lecturers can customise the course and view the results of interactive tests taken by their students. The materials are available online via subscription and require Flash / QuickTime / Java to load.