This set of talks was given on 8 January 2009 as part of the PhD seminar series organised by the School of Economics and Finance of the University of St Andrews. Prof. Thomas Lux speaks on how economic systems can be seen as evolutionary models, where agents interact with each other and a selection process favours the most successful. He introduces underlying dynamical systems as well as the necessary game theoretic concepts. Video can be downloaded in WMV format and presentation slides / handouts are also available.
Archived handouts, slides and exercises from a 2009 course, organised around 21 lectures. The course contains many case studies.
Detailed lecture notes, slides, problem sets and exam questions from Muhamet Yildiz's 'Economic applications of game theory' course in 2004. The syllabus, lecture notes, slides, exams and problem sets are available to download as PDF files. It includes supplementary notes on rationaliazability, partnership games and forward induction.
Detailed notes and slides from a course of 18 lectures are archived here by MIT's Open CourseWare project. The course was given in 2000, 2001 and 2002. The course covers, "Analysis of strategic behavior in multi-person economic settings. Introduction to Nash equilibrium and its refinements: subgame-perfect equilibrium and sequential equilibrium. Applications drawn from labor economics, the economics of organization, industrial organization, international trade, and macroeconomics."