Lecture Slides in Advanced Econometrics and Quantitative Techniques
Lecture slides, problem sets, and exams from a 25-lecture course on "Master[ing] statistical and econometric tools along with coding in R, to analyze data and answer economic questions."
Slides, syllabus and reading list from an AEA Continuing Education short course run in January 2022. The course "examines the interplay between data design, and statistical inference and decisions. We will examine classic sampling and experimental designs, but also alternatives such as adaptive randomization designs and multi-armed bandits which raise the possibility of improving inference and decisions at lower cost."
Slides and lecture notes from a 2019 course. TeX code for all documents is available from a git repository.
Slides (as one large PDF), lecture notes (as one large PDF), problem sets and a couple of RStudio interactive apps from a course run in 2018.
This set of talks was given on 8 January 2009 as part of the PhD seminar series organised by the School of Economics and Finance of the University of St Andrews. Prof. Thomas Lux speaks on how economic systems can be seen as evolutionary models, where agents interact with each other and a selection process favours the most successful. He introduces underlying dynamical systems as well as the necessary game theoretic concepts. Video can be downloaded in WMV format and presentation slides / handouts are also available.
This seminar was given 26 February 2009 as part of the PhD seminar series organised by the School of Economics and Finance of the University of St Andrews. Dr Pierre Cartigny, Director of the Joint Research Unit for Systems Analysis and Biometrics at INRA in Montpellier (France), addresses dynamical systems, stability, optimal control and differential games and their applications in Economics and Biology, in resource extraction in particular. Four videos are available in WMV format and last 30-60 minutes each. Six handouts of lecture slides are available in PDF.