Handbooks and reading lists in International Economics
Eight-page PDF from a nine-lecture course on International Economics based on Obstfeld's own textbook and Uribe and Schmitt-Grohé's Open Economy Macroeconomics.
OpenCourseWare site for a 2016 undergraduate course "analyz[ing] the causes and consequences of international trade and investment". Includes reading list, lecture slides and past problem sets and exams (without answers).
Lecture notes, lecture slides, and reading list from a Spring 2013 graduate-level course covering positive and normative issues in international trade as well as inter-regional trade and economic geography.
Dating from Fall 2005, this course site has been archived under a Creative Commons licence as part of MIT Open CourseWare. It includes five problem sets, three past exams, a detailed reading list and course description. The course aims to cover "the basic tools and some topics of current interest" in international trade and finance.
Reading list and example student work from a 2005 course that "introduces the main debates about the "new" global economy and their implications for practice and policy."